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This publication discusses how communities use tree ordinances as tools to protect trees, preserve green space and promote healthy, managed urban forests. To protect trees and prevent their loss in the urban environment, communities need to understand tree ordinances, their limitations and their proper implementation.
This brochure describes the economic, environmental and health benefits that urban trees provide to a community. It provides a list of organizations to contact for more information about urban forestry.
Pruning woodland trees can improve timber value, appearance, access and remove dead and diseased branchwood. Although branch shedding or self-pruning occurs naturally, landowners often have objectives that can be enhanced or expedited by artificial pruning. Pruning is the removal of live or dead branches from standing trees. Natural-target pruning is a proven technique for removing branches that avoids discolored or decaying wood associated with other pruning methods. This publication describes when and how to natural-target prune young pines and hardwoods for timber production.