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Browse by Series: Forage Notes
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Increasing Diversity in Grasslands: Grazing Management Effects

By: Miguel Castillo Forage Notes

Grazing management can have profound impact on how forage mixtures develop and persists over time. It is the art and science of grazing management that determines whether a potentially good forage, or mixture of forages, will actually be a good one. Department of Crop Science Forage and Grassland Program

Forage Conservation: Troubleshooting Hay and Silage Production

By: Miguel Castillo, J. J. Romero Forage Notes

Forages can be conserved in the form of hay, baleage, and silage. It is important to keep in mind that, at best, conserved forages can rarely match the nutritive value of fresh forage. Some losses of highly digestible nutrients start immediately after cutting and are unavoidable. The goal in forage conservation is to focus on minimizing losses.