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This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of Kentucky bluegrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of perennial ryegrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of St. Augustinegrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of Bermudagrass and addresses how to control it as a weed.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of zoysiagrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of tall fescue.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of bahiagrass and addresses how to control it as a weed.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of annual bluegrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of nematodes in turfgrasses.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of smallflower buttercup.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of take-all root rot in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of dichondra.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of rough bluegrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of goosegrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of fine fescue.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of lawn burrweed.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of orchardgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of barnyardgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of blackberry.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of large crabgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of nimblewill.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of velvetgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of green foxtail.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of dallisgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of johnsongrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of thin paspalum.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of broomsedge.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of smooth crabgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of yellow foxtail.