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Blow Fly Biology & Management

By: Ezra Bailey, Christopher Hayes Household Pests

This publication covers the basic biology, behavior, prevention, and management of blow flies in North Carolina.

Horse Flies and Deer Flies

By: Michael Waldvogel, Charles Apperson Biting and Stinging Pests

This Entomology Insect Note discusses identifying horse and deer flies and how to control them.

Common Insects of Wildflower Plantings within North Carolina Turfgrass: A Field Guide

By: Laurie Hamon, Terri Billeisen

This guide introduces readers to some of the most common visitors to gardens in North Carolina, particularly in turfgrass-dominated areas. Readers will glean basic information about bees, wasps, butterflies, flies, beetles, and true bugs found among wildflowers in these locations.