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Mourning Cloak Butterfly / Spiny Elm Caterpillar

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the spiny elm caterpillar or mourning cloak butterfly, Nymphalis antiopa.

Butterflies in Your Backyard

By: Christopher Moorman, Jeffrey Pippen, John Connors, Nick Haddad, Mark Johns, Jesse Perry, Liessa Thomas Bowen Urban Wildlife

You can attract the many butterflies found throughout North Carolina to your backyard by following the simple practices described in this publication.

20. Wildlife

By: Christopher Moorman, Christopher DePerno, Lucy Bradley, Kathleen Moore

This Wildlife Chapter from the Extension Gardener Handbook teaches readers to recognize the value of wildlife in the landscape and how to create a suitable back yard wildlife habitat. It also examines wildlife challenges and strategies discouraging pest, game, non-game, and federally protected migratory bird species.

Hummingbirds and Butterflies

By: Christopher Moorman, Liessa Bowen, Mark Megalos Working With Wildlife

This publication describes how you can transform your backyard into an area that welcomes nectar-seekers, such as hummingbirds and butterflies.

Buckeye Butterfly

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the buckeye butterfly, Junonia coenia, and provides residential management recommendations.

Question Mark Butterfly

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the question mark butterfly, Polygonia interrogationis, and provides residential management recommendations.

Common Insects of Wildflower Plantings within North Carolina Turfgrass: A Field Guide

By: Laurie Hamon, Terri Billeisen

This guide introduces readers to some of the most common visitors to gardens in North Carolina, particularly in turfgrass-dominated areas. Readers will glean basic information about bees, wasps, butterflies, flies, beetles, and true bugs found among wildflowers in these locations.

Butterfly Buffet

Youth Wildlife Projects

This educational resource for children aged 13-15 explains how to keep detailed records of butterfly observations and recommends which plants would be most beneficial to local butterflies.

Excerpt of Winged Wonders

By: Liz Driscoll 4-H Curriculum: Grades K-5

In this curriculum, youth will observe the wonders of the natural world unfolding in front of them by raising painted lady butterflies from larva through adulthood. Youth will experience the mystery of the butterfly life cycle while engaging in hands-on activities that explore concepts of insect structures and functions, compare insect behaviors and life cycles, and demonstrate the role everyone can play in environmental stewardship.