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This publication answers some frequently asked questions about termite swarmers.
This publication explains how termite baits work as an alternative to using conventional liquid treatments to the soil around a building.
This entomology insect note discusses various methods for termite prevention in new home construction.
This publication deals with measures you can take to help prevent problems with termites.
This publication discusses the potential dfficulties and options for treating termite-infested buildings that have wells, cisterns and/foundation drains.
A publication covering the biology and behavior of the Eastern Subterranean termite.
Choosing a pest management professional can be overwhelming, especially when an online search provides an increasing number of options. In this publication, we will provide advice to help you select a reputable pest control company in the event that you should ever need one.
The Formosan subterranean termite is considered to be one of the most destructive termite species in the world today. This publication discusses the biology and control of this pest.
A factsheet covering Eastern Subterranean termite signs, monitoring, and management in North Carolina.