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Improving small woodlands is a step-by-step process. This publication will help wooodland owners become familiar with these steps, with the concepts of woodscaping and with ways to integrate concerns for wildlife, beauty and resource management in a manner that is compatible with current land-use activities.
2019 income estimates ranked by county for standing timber and timber harvest and delivered to the mill. Includes estimate of timberland by county.
Estimates of income of North Carolina timber harvested and delivered to mills.
2017 income estimates ranked by county for standing timber and timber harvest and delivered to the mill. Includes estimate of timberland by county.
2016 income estimates ranked by county for standing timber and timber harvest and delivered to the mill. Includes estimate of timberland by county.
List of 2020 income by county of North Carolina timber harvested and delivered to mills. Data includes acres and percentage of timberland, stumpage value, delivered value and rank within the state.
2015 income estimates ranked by county for standing timber and timber harvest and delivered to the mill. Includes estimate of timberland by county.
This factsheet provides an estimate of income derived form standing timber and upon delivery to the mill by county for all 100 counties in North Carolina. It also provides an estimate of timberland in each county.