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Browse by Author: Robert Bardon
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Zoning and Land Use Regulation of Forestry

By: Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

This publication discusses how zoning and land use regulations impact the practice of forestry in North Carolina. The publication also explains planning jurisdictions, components of a zoning ordinance, and where to go for more information.

The Educational Needs of North Carolina’s Forest Landowners

By: Robert Bardon, Kristin Peters, Rajan Parajuli, Jay Jayaratne

This publication reports the results of an educational needs assessment of North Carolina’s non-industrial private forest owners conducted by NC State Extension Forestry in 2020.

Management Plans: A Planning Guide for Landowners

By: Robert Bardon

This publication provides an overview of woodlands management and a step-by-step process landowners can use to begin developing a management plan for their woodlands. It includes worksheets for defining goals and objectives, prioritizing land uses, identifying needs, and planning management activities.

Establishing a Partnership for Sentinel Landscapes: The North Carolina Experience A Dissemination Guide for Other States

By: John Diaz, Mary Lou Addor, Susan Moore, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel

This publication is a guide for states where military installations, agriculture, other compatible economic development, and natural resources drive the economy. This guide introduces the NCSLP and offers recommendations for developing and establishing such a partnership based on the lessons learned in North Carolina.