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Browse by Author: Robert Bardon
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Timber Sales: A Planning Guide for Landowners

By: Robert Bardon, Robert Bardon

This publication offers tips on marketing and selling, timber terminology, examples of timber sale agreements and advice on seeking professional help from a consulting forester. By using this guide, landowners can make their next (or first) timber sale a pleasant and profitable experience.

Historic North Carolina Timber Stumpage Prices, 1976-2024

By: Robert Bardon

Historic price data for standing timber from 1976-2024 for North Carolina. Data are reported for four timber product categories (pine sawtimber and pulpwood, and mixed hardwood sawtimber and pulpwood) for Eastern North Carolina, Western North Carolina, the State of North Carolina, and the Southeast United States.

Selling Your Timber? Don't Make an Uninformed Decision!

By: Robert Bardon

This publication explains the risks involved in selling timber without knowledge of current market conditions and provides guidelines for selling your timber with the assistance of a registered forester.

First...See a Forester

By: Robert Bardon

This publication for landowners discusses the importance of consulting a professional forester before selling timber and describes the credentials held by reputable foresters.

2022 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: Robert Bardon

The economic impact timber production has on North Carolina’s economy is significant. Income Estimates by County for Timber Harvesting in North Carolina is compiled from the following sources, US Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis Data, Timber Products Output Survey, and Timber Mart-South. These estimates provide information on both stumpage value and delivered value for timber harvested and delivered to mills.

2023 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: Robert Bardon

The economic impact timber production has on North Carolina’s economy is significant. Income Estimates by County for Timber Harvested in North Carolina is compiled from the following sources, US Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis Data, Timber Products Output Survey, and Timber Mart-South. These estimates provide information on both stumpage value and delivered value for timber harvested and delivered to mills.

2016 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon

2016 income estimates ranked by county for standing timber and timber harvest and delivered to the mill. Includes estimate of timberland by county.

2015 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon

2015 income estimates ranked by county for standing timber and timber harvest and delivered to the mill. Includes estimate of timberland by county.

McDowell County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to McDowell County.