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This factsheet provides brief descriptions of common disease pests of oak (Quercus spp.) in North Carolina. Pest descriptions are brief to allow readers to peruse common diseases of oaks, but provide links for readers to learn more.
This factsheet provides brief descriptions of common insect pests of oak (Quercus spp.) in North Carolina. Pest descriptions are brief but provide links for readers to learn more.
This factsheet provides brief descriptions of common insect pests of maple (Acer spp.) in North Carolina. Pest descriptions are brief but provide links for readers to learn more.
This factsheet provides brief descriptions of common disease pests of maple (Acer spp.) in North Carolina. Pest descriptions are brief but provide links for readers to learn more.
This fact sheet compiles common disease of dogwood trees (Cornaceae) in North Carolina. It contains brief descriptions with links to reputable and more thorough fact sheets.
This fact sheet compiles common arthropod pests of dogwood trees (Cornaceae) in North Carolina. It contains brief descriptions with links to reputable and more thorough fact sheets.
This factsheet describes several diseases that impact the health of ash trees.
This factsheet provides descriptions of several pests of Ash trees in North Carolina. It describes the characteristics of each insect and the damage they cause and offers potential mitigation strategies.