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Collar Rot and Alternaria Stem Canker of Tomato

By: Amanda Scherer, Inga Meadows Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This vegetable disease factsheet discusses collar rot and Alternaria stem canker of tomato, which are caused by different species of fungi belonging to the genus Alternaria. Both pathogens can cause large, irregularly shaped stem lesions with pronounced concentric rings. However, the concentric rings may not always be pronounced with collar rot.

Southern Blight of Tomato and Pepper

By: Inga Meadows, Amanda Scherer, Michelle Henson Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This plant disease fact sheet discusses southern blight, a soil-borne fungus that attacks tomatoes and peppers, and several other economically important crops, including beans, cantaloupe, carrots, peppers, potatoes, sweet potato, and watermelon.

Foliar Fungal Diseases on High Tunnel and Greenhouse Tomatoes

By: Amanda Scherer, Inga Meadows Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This vegetable disease fact sheet discusses three foliar fungal diseases (Botrytis gray mold, leaf mold, and powdery mildew) of high tunnel and greenhouse tomatoes.