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This publication offers information on the description, life history, and control of the apple maggot.
Green apple and spirea aphids - description, life history, damage, and control.
This apple pathology factsheet describes apple powdery mildew, including identification and disease management.
Tufted apple bud moth description, life cycle, monitoring, and control.
This apple pathology factsheet describes flyspeck and sooty blotch in apple, including identification and disease management.
This document discusses the description, life history, damage, and control of the woolly apple aphid.
Predatory mite description, life history, monitoring, and effectiveness.
White apple leafhopper description, life history, damage, and control.
Lesser appleworm description, life history, damage, and control.
This apple pathology factsheet describes Glomerella leaf spot and fruit rot in apple, including identification and disease management.
Apple rust mite description, life history , damage, and control.