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Browse by Series: Plant Disease Factsheets
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Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus

By: Leighann Murray, Ella Reeves, Inga Meadows Plant Disease Factsheets

Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is a viral disease of tomato that has limited distribution in the United States. TYLCV can cause devastating losses to tomato growers once established in the production site. This viral disease can also be found in temperate, tropical, and sub-tropical regions of the world. TYLCV is transmitted by adult whiteflies and is difficult to control once introduced to an area.

Southern Bacterial Wilt on Herbaceous Ornamental Plants

By: Ella Reeves, Inga Meadows Plant Disease Factsheets

This factsheet describes Southern bacterial wilt, a widespread and destructive disease affecting multiple crops, and gives management options.

Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Management of Soilborne Pathogens in Tomato Production

By: Andres Sanabria-Velazquez, Tika Adhikari, Frank Louws Plant Disease Factsheets

Recent soil treatment experiments in NC pursue the development of integrated and biologically based systems compared to standard or optimized fumigation systems that can restore “tired soils” and reduce high pathogen inoculum pressure by researching how grower inputs, plant genetics, and microbiomes are interconnected. We seek to explore the usefulness of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) in current production systems to suppress soilborne pathogens (and weeds) and enhance carbon inputs in soils and yields.

Fusarium Wilt of Blackberry

By: Bill Cline, Sara Villani Plant Disease Factsheets

Fusarium wilt is an emerging disease of blackberry in commercial plantings in southeastern North Carolina. This factsheet covers symptoms, signs, and best management practices for Fusarium wilt of blackberry.