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Browse by Series: PDIC Factsheets
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Citrus Red Mite

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the citrus red mite, Panonychus citri, and provides residential management recommendations.

Velvet Mites, Brick Mites or Patio Mites

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of trombidiid mites— velvet mites, red velvet mites, large red velvet mites, brick mites, and patio mites.

Maple Bladdergall Mite

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the maple bladder gall mite, Vasates quadripedes, and provides residential management recommendations.

Twospotted Spider Mite

By: Hannah Burrack, James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, and provides management recommendations.

Purple Mite

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the purple mite (also known as the purple camellia mite, the purple tea mite (camellia and tea are closely related plants), and cha-geom-eun-hog-eung-ae, Calacarus carinatus.

Boxwood Mite

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the boxwood mite, Eurytetranychus buxi,, and provides residential management recommendations.

Bulb Mites

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the bulb mite, Rhizoglyphus echinopus, and provides residential management recommendations.

Willow Bladdergall Mite

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the willow bladdergall mite, Aculops tetanothrix, and provides residential management recommendations.

Bald Cypress Rust Mite

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the bald cypress rust mite, Epitrimerus taxodii, and provides residential management recommendations.

Privet Mite

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology and management of the privet mite, Brevipalpus obovatus, and provides residential management recommendations.

Spruce Spider Mite

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the spruce spider mite, Oligonychus ununguis, and provides residential management recommendations.

Juniper Tip Dwarf Mite

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the juniper tip dwarf mite, Trisetacus juniperinus, and provides residential management recommendations.

Privet Rust Mite

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the privet rust mite, Aculus ligustri, and provides residential management recommendations.

Beech Erineum Mite

By: Steven Frank, James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the beech erineum mite, Aceria ferruginea, and provides residential management recommendations.

Spruce Rust Mite

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the spruce rust mite, Nalepella halourga, a pest that damages the needles of spruce trees.

Pine Witches' Broom Mite

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the pine witches' broom mite, Trisetacus floridanus, and provides residential management recommendations.

Hemlock Rust Mite

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the hemlock rust mite, Nalepella tsugifoliae, and provides residential management recommendations.