NC State Extension Publications Numbered Publications, Factsheets, Hard Copy Documents, Authoritative Sources & more …

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Browse by Author: Christopher Moorman
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20. Wildlife

By: Christopher Moorman, Christopher DePerno, Lucy Bradley, Kathleen Moore

This Wildlife Chapter from the Extension Gardener Handbook teaches readers to recognize the value of wildlife in the landscape and how to create a suitable back yard wildlife habitat. It also examines wildlife challenges and strategies discouraging pest, game, non-game, and federally protected migratory bird species.

Songbirds and Woodpeckers

By: Liessa Bowen, Christopher Moorman, Mark Megalos Working With Wildlife

This publication describes the habitat, cover, food, water habits and home range of various songbird species. Also included are tips to improve the birds' habitats, as well as a chart listing the habitat of several species.