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Understanding Forestry Terms: A Glossary for Private Landowners

By: Mark Megalos, James Kea, Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

This publication lists and defines more than 150 forest resource terms to help you in conversing with others about forestry matters and in making informed decisions about your forestland.

2020 Quick Guide to Forestry Herbicides Used for Softwood and Hardwood Site Preparation and Release

By: Colby Lambert, Kelly Oten, Mark Megalos

A quick guide providing commonly used herbicides used in forest site preparation and release treatments. Tables are broken into (1) conifer site preparation, (2) hardwood plantation site preparation, (3) hardwood natural regeneration site preparation, (4) conifer early release, (5) early hardwood release, (6) cut surface herbicides used for intermediate or crop tree release. Each table provides the herbicide active ingredient, trade names of labels approved for forestry applications, best time of year to use the herbicide, target species, and species that are resistant to the herbicide. The trade names are linked to the most recent specimen label so users may look up the details of that brand for safety, mixing, and delivery methods. The links use the CDMS database for specimen labels:

Wildlife and Forest Stewardship

By: Christopher Moorman, Mark Megalos, Kelly Douglass Woodland Owner Notes

Developing forestland to continually produce timber and provide wildlife habitat requires an active management plan. Forest stewardship, the process of managing all of the forest’s natural resources together, enables us to conserve our forest resources, including timber, wildlife, soil and water. Forestry and wildlife management are not only compatible, they are interrelated. Managing for wildlife habitat can even improve forest productivity. This publication describes the basic concepts of management, showing how forestry operations affect wildlife habitat.