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Browse by Author: Leslie Boby
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Southern Foresters’ Observations of Threats to Forest Health and Implications for Continuing Education

By: Rachel Greene, Mark Megalos, William Hubbard, Leslie Boby, Hilary Morris

Southern forests experience several threats to health and productivity, and these threats are expected to increasingly stress forests through the 21st century. We surveyed professional foresters in the southern United States to identify how frequently they observe seventeen threats to forest health, including climate change and its potential impacts.

Resilient Piedmont Pines: Risk Reduction Guide

By: Mark Megalos, Colby Lambert, Rajan Parajuli, Heather Aldridge, Leslie Boby, William Hubbard Eastern Forestry Notes

This publication details simple, practical actions you can take to minimize costs and impacts while growing healthy pines. Specific focus is placed on maintaining forest health and productivity suited for a range of future conditions.