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This factsheet discusses the symptoms and treatment for blue mold of tobacco.
Cercospora blight is a common foliar disease of soybeans in North Carolina. Early symptoms may mimic several other common soybean problems, and accurate diagnosis is important for selecting management practices.
Although uncommonly observed in North Carolina, soybean rust can be a yield limiting disease for soybeans. Proper identification is important to developing a management strategy.
This publication describes gray leaf spot of tomato. Disease management options are provided for conventional and organic growers and for homeowners.
This factsheet offers information on target spot in soybean production in North Carolina.
This soybean disease factsheet covers aerial web blight, a generally minor disease of soybean in North Carolina.
Frogeye leaf spot (FLS) of soybean is a common foliar disease in North Carolina with losses reported annually. This soybean diseases factsheet offers information on the signs, symptoms, and management of FLS.
Brown spot is a common pathogen in soybeans in North Carolina. Symptoms from brown spot may be confused with other leaf spot pathogens, and accurate diagnosis is important for management decisions.
Target spot is a potentially devastating leaf spot disease in tobacco in North Carolina. This factsheet summarizes the signs and symptoms and offers treatment plans.