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Balsam Woolly Adelgid

By: Jill Sidebottom Christmas Tree Notes

This publication describes the lifecycle, scouting and treatment of the balsam wooly adelgid, a tiny, soft-bodied insect, which appears when adult as a white, woolly spot on true firs. Author: Jill Sidebottom Update: Jamie Bookwalter

Minor Pests of Fraser Fir Christmas Trees

By: Jill Sidebottom, Jamie Bookwalter Christmas Tree Notes

This factsheet about Fraser fir pests covers white pine cone beetles, bagworms, gypsy moths, Botrytis shoot blight, sooty molds, fern/fir rust, Rhizosphaera needlecast, Annosum root and butt rot, Rosellinia blight, Nectria canker, Armillaria, and Phomopsis.

Elongate Hemlock Scale

By: Jill Sidebottom, Jamie Bookwalter Christmas Tree Notes

This publication describes the symptoms, life cycle and control of the elongate hemlock scale, a pest that causes white, waxy spots on the upper surface of Christmas tree needles.

Rust Mites in Christmas Trees

By: Jill Sidebottom Christmas Tree Notes

This publication describes the life cycle and control of the hemlock rust mite, which causes needles to turn a dusty rust color and drop from several species of Christmas trees.

Control of Root Feeding Insects in Fraser Fir Christmas Trees

By: Jill Sidebottom, Jamie Bookwalter Christmas Tree Notes

This publication covers the identification, life cycles and treatment of several species of insects, such as May and June beetle grubs and root aphids, that feed on and affect root growth of Fraser fir Christmas trees.

Spruce Spider Mite on Fraser Fir

By: Jill Sidebottom, Jamie Bookwalter Christmas Tree Notes

This publication describes scouting for and controlling the spruce spider mite, an insect that causes yellow spots on needles of Fraser firs.

Balsam Twig Aphid on Fraser Fir

By: Jill Sidebottom Christmas Tree Notes

This publication describes the life cycle, scouting and treatment of the balsam twig aphid, a small, pale green aphid that feeds on fir trees in the spring.

Pine Tortoise Scale

By: Craig McKinley Christmas Tree Notes

This factsheet describes the life cycle and control of the pine tortoise scale, insects which accelerate the development of an unsightly black fungus on Christmas trees.

Rosette Bud Mite on Fraser Fir

By: Jill Sidebottom, Jamie Bookwalter Christmas Tree Notes

This publication describes the control of the rosette bud mite, a mite that destroys the buds of Fraser firs resulting in holes in the canopy, flat sides, weak bottoms and uneven and/or light density.