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This factsheet covers the growth, planting, shaping and pests of Leyland cypress, a popular Christmas tree variety.
This factsheet provides a brief summary of the various trees often grown in North Carolina for Christmas tree production.
One of the more enjoyable Christmas traditions is to replant a living Christmas tree into your landscape after the holiday season. This article describes the process of successfully selecting, caring for and replanting a living Christmas tree.
This factsheet provides general guidelines for obtaining soil samples in Christmas tree fields, a summary of soil test result categories, and information for evaluating those results to develop an efficient Christmas tree fertilization program.
This factsheet describes the symptoms, life cycles and control of needle cast diseases in Christmas trees.
This factsheet covers how and when to shape, prune and shear Virginia pine Christmas trees.
This factsheet about Fraser fir pests covers white pine cone beetles, bagworms, gypsy moths, Botrytis shoot blight, sooty molds, fern/fir rust, Rhizosphaera needlecast, Annosum root and butt rot, Rosellinia blight, Nectria canker, Armillaria, and Phomopsis.
This factsheet describes the life cycle and control of the pine tortoise scale, insects which accelerate the development of an unsightly black fungus on Christmas trees.
This factsheet covers selecting the right Christmas tree for your needs, as well as caring for your tree after purchase.