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This factsheet describes the biology of the fern scale, Pinnaspis aspidistrae, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes the biology of the barnacle scale, Ceroplastes cirripediformis, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes the biology of the boisduval scale, Diaspis boisduvalii, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes the biology of the juniper scale insect, Carulaspis juniperi, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes the biology of the black thread scale, Ischnaspis longirostris, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes oystershell scale insects (Lepidosaphes ulmi).
This factsheet describes the biology of the greedy scale, Hemiberlesia rapax, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes the biology of the yellow scale insect, Aonidiella citrina, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes the biology of the maskell scale, Lepidosaphes maskelli, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes the biology of the peony scale insect, Pseudaonidia paeoniae, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes the biology of spinose scales, Oceanaspidiotus spinosus, also called spined scales and avocado scales.
This factsheet describes the biology of the bifasciculate scale insect, Chrysomphalus bifasciculatus, and provides residential management recommendations.
This factsheet describes walnut scales (Quadraspidiotus juglansregiae).