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This publication describes how to provide a suitable habitat for many wildlife species without significantly reducing timber production or cash flow from timber sales.
Soil quality is the most important factor in forest management decisions. Soils will determine which tree species yield the greatest timber volume, the time to harvest, and ultimately, the investment a landowner must make to yield an acceptable economic return from forest management. This publication discusses site index, the collective influence of soil factors for a particular tree species on a given soil area.
Successful pine plantings require a well-prepared site, quality seedlings, proper storage and field care of seedlings and timely planting by a crew trained in proper planting techniques. Most landowners contract with a vendor for such services. This publication gives information on (1) key clauses to include in any contract and (2) conditions which affect seedling survival and early growth.
Most commercially valuable tree species found in North Carolina require full or almost full sunlight for seed germination, establishment and early growth. For regeneration to succeed remove competing trees, weeds and brush or reduce their density. Such steps must be taken before planting or before pines or hardwoods can regenerate naturally. This publication discusses alternative site preparation methods available to landowners.
This publication discusses artificial and natural methods of reforestation that can be successfully used to reforest pines in North Carolina timberlands. Each method has advantages under certain situations. Landowners should select the best method for a specific tract in consultation with the County Extension Agent, County Forest Resources representative, forestry consultant or industrial forester.
This publication helps landowners make smart choices about managing forests by understanding which tree species are best for different areas. It explains how factors like site aspect, elevation, and terrain affect species composition in the North Carolina mountains, piedmont, and coastal plain. Insights on soil types and species competitiveness are also provided to help landowners make informed decisions about forest management.
This publication helps landowners choose management strategies to regenerate tree stands after harvest. It explains different harvesting techniques for managing specific species, planning resources, site limitations, commonly planted and regenerated tree types, and other management considerations.