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North Carolina Soybean Production Guide

By: Katherine Drake Stowe, Rachel Vann, Carl Crozier, Gary Bullen, Jim Dunphy, Wesley Everman, Luke Gatiboni, Adrienne Gorny, David Hardy, Ryan Heiniger, Steph Kulesza, Nick Piggott, Dominic Reisig, Gary Roberson, Heidi Schweizer, Lindsey Thiessen, Derek Washburn, Deanna Osmond

This publication provides information to growers about soybean production in North Carolina. It discusses economic trends and forecasts, cultural practices, variety selection, planting decisions, nutrient management, diseases and pests, and other production practices.

Planting Decisions

By: Rachel Vann, Jim Dunphy, Adrienne Gorny, Dominic Reisig, Gary Roberson

This publication, chapter 5 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, discusses soybean planting decisions, including planting dates, depth, and seeding equipment calibration.

Harvesting, Drying, and Storage

By: Gary Roberson, Katherine Drake Stowe, Jim Dunphy

This publication, chapter 11 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, describe harvesting, drying, and storing soybeans.