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This factsheet offers some information on the signs, symptoms, and treatment of coccidiosis, the most common cause of diarrhea in young goats.
Goats raised for meat need high quality feed in most situations and require an optimum balance of many different nutrients to achieve maximum profit potential. This publication covers nutritional requirements for meat goats, including water, protein and vitamins.
A guide to many of the plants, shrubs, and flowers that are poisonous to animals.
This publication offers information on the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of sore mouth, a contagious, viral disease that produces thick, scabby sores on the lips and gums and may also be observed on the udders of meat goats.
This publication compares novel-endophyte tall fescue forage varieties and includes renovation planning information on choosing and purchasing seed as well as establishment and management.
A guide to counting fecal eggs in meat goats, modified from the McMaster Procedure.
A Q&A on pink eye (infectious keratoconjunctivitis) in meat goats.
Grazing behavior and nutrient requirements in forages for meat goats is discussed in this factsheet.
A Q&A on foot rot, a contagious disease of the hooves of goats and sheep.
This technical bulletin reviews earlier research that evaluates the influence of grazing livestock, primarily beef cattle, on water quality. This publication will help producers make informed choices and consider strategies to protect water quality and maintain productive pasture-based livestock operations.
A Q&A on foot scald in meat goats, including signs and symptoms and treatment options.
This publication provides information about common calf health issues and steps youth can take to evaluate calf health and treat sick calves.
This publication offers information on how to prep does and bucks for the meat goat breeding season to improve the outcome and profitability of the operation.
A Q&A on toxoplasmosis, a parasite that can cause disease in the placenta and developing fetus of pregnant goats and sheep.
This guide outlines steps that a facility producing livestock food could follow when developing its required food safety plan. The guide is accompanied by an example food safety plan that demonstrates the application of steps outlined in this guide and illustrates an acceptable food safety plan structure that contains required and best management practices information.