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Before You Recycle, Choose to Reuse

By: Rhonda Sherman Water Quality & Waste Management

This publication for individuals and groups describes how to reduce waste by reusing materials, including clothing and household items.

Worms Can Recycle Your Garbage

By: Rhonda Sherman Water Quality & Waste Management

This factsheet explains how you can set up and maintain a worm composting bin for your home or office. Worm composting reduces the amount of material that ends up in the landfill and provides compost that can enrich the soil.

Backyard Composting of Yard, Garden, and Food Discards

By: Rhonda Sherman

This publication describes how to build and maintain a composting pile to use the compost in your yard or garden.

How Your Business Can Cut Costs by Reducing Waste

By: Rhonda Sherman Water Quality & Waste Management

This factsheet for business owners describes North Carolina waste reduction programs that can benefit a business. It includes some recommended practices for reducing waste and a list of organizations that can provide information and assistance in planning and conducting a waste reduction and recycling program.

Organizing a Community Recycling Program

By: Rhonda Sherman Water Quality & Waste Management

This publication outlines key elements that local governments should consider when planning, implementing, publicizing and evaluating recycling programs.

A Low-Cost Plastic Bottle and Jug Baler

By: Rhonda Sherman Water Quality & Waste Management

This publication shows how to build a simple, economical bale press and gives instructions on baling plastic bottles and jugs for recycling.