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Subsurface drainage is beneficial to agricultural lands by improving crop yield and eliminating prolonged wet periods without taking land out of production. This publication provides an overview of the costs of installing subsurface drainage on agricultural lands in North Carolina.
This fact sheet describes management strategies designed to conserve and use existing water resources more efficiently in coastal plain soils.
Knowing the soil profile of your agricultural land will help determine the spacing needed for installing subsurface drains. This publication provides essential information to producers, landowners, farm managers, and contractors for determining proper drain spacing based on soil types.
This publication explains how future agricultural practices must be designed and managed to protect water quality.
This publication summarizes design considerations, system operations and information on monitoring controlled drainage and subirrigation systems.
Before installing a dual-purpose subsurface drainage and subirrigation system on your farm, have your site evaluated by the local Soil Conservation Service (SCS) to determine whether this option is suitable for your farm and your needs. If your site is found to be physically suitable, this publication will help you determine whether installing this type of system will be a wise investment.