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Black shank is an economically important disease of tobacco that threatens production in North Carolina. This factsheet provides information about the causal organism (Phytophthora nicotianae) and its management.
This factsheet discusses the symptoms and treatment for blue mold of tobacco.
Frogeye leaf spot disease on flue-cured tobacco is caused by the fungal pathogen, Cercospora nicotianae. This disease has historically been an issue for ripe tobacco, but has become more common over the last couple of years. The disease is found most commonly on lower, more mature leaves of the plant, but can also affect green tissues. Infections are not often severe enough to impact yield, but, under conducive environmental conditions, can cause severe damage to leaves.
Nematodes are an economically important pest for flue-cured tobacco production. Root knot nematode is particularly damaging due to the wide host range and number of species of root knot nematode found in North Carolina.
Brown spot is a disease of increasing importance in flue cured tobacco production.This disease is most severe on mature or otherwise injured tobacco.
This factsheet shares the symptoms and control of Granville Wilt, a devastating disease of tobacco in North Carolina.
Target spot is a potentially devastating leaf spot disease in tobacco in North Carolina. This factsheet summarizes the signs and symptoms and offers treatment plans.