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This fact sheet provides key strategies for marketing local foods based on demographic trends seen in recent scholarly literature.
This publication shares the result of a survey study that aims to discover whether visiting agritourism facilities would spark an interest in local foods and local agricultural products by participants.
This guide provides an overview of market gardens for small and beginning farmers in North Carolina, with a focus on planning that can result in a profitable market garden enterprise. This publication is a starting reference point for anyone interested in market gardens.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of state agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Alamance County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.
This infographic provides a visual interpretation of the 2017 Census of Agriculture, which is collected and maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for Alexander County in North Carolina. The infographic is intended to provide a simple, clear snapshot of local agriculture and the many ways in which it impacts local economies.