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This guide is a simple reference for beginner sheep and goat producers experiencing the lambing or kidding season. It includes instructions for facilities, equipment, neonatal care, complications, and processing.
This guide provides an overview of market gardens for small and beginning farmers in North Carolina, with a focus on planning that can result in a profitable market garden enterprise. This publication is a starting reference point for anyone interested in market gardens.
This guide provides an overview of pastured poultry production for small and beginning farmers in North Carolina, with a focus on planning that can result in a profitable poultry enterprise. This publication is a starting reference for anyone interested in pastured poultry production.
Rice is a minor crop in the state of North Carolina with less than an estimated 2000 acres in the entire state. Unfortunately this means there are very few resources for growers. There are currently no insecticides or herbicides registered for use on rice in the state of North Carolina. Due to legal and liability issues we are not allowed to recommend any brand or chemistries of insecticide or herbicide to be used. Since rice is usually a second or third priority crop behind flowers and vegetables we are tailoring these recommendations in a way where you can grow your crop and receive the maximum yield benefits possible given the circumstances. What follows are a series of cultural and non-chemical controls for weed and pest management.