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Wild Turkey

By: Christopher Moorman, Mark Megalos, Liessa Bowen Working With Wildlife

This publication describes the habitat, food, cover, water habits and home range of wild turkeys in North Carolina. It also offers tips for improving the turkey's habitat.

Talking Turkey

Youth Wildlife Projects

This educational resource for children aged 13-15 explains how to recognize and record wild turkey vocalizations; then give an oral presentation discussing how turkeys communicate.

Simplified Recipes for Poultry Mortality Bin Composting

By: Sanjay Shah, Mark Rice, Joseph Stuckey

This publication provides two simplified recipes for bin composting of routine poultry mortality for producers who may not have complete information about the carbon to nitrogen rations for the amendments available to them.

Pastured Poultry For Small Farms in North Carolina

By: Gary Bullen, Derek Washburn Small Farms in North Carolina

This guide provides an overview of pastured poultry production for small and beginning farmers in North Carolina, with a focus on planning that can result in a profitable poultry enterprise. This publication is a starting reference for anyone interested in pastured poultry production.

Ventilating to Cool Modern Grower Turkeys

By: Sanjay B. Shah, Jesse L. Grimes, Isaac Singletary

As heat stress is one of the most significant management challenges facing the N.C. turkey industry, this publication reviews ventilation for the cooling of heaving strains of turkeys during the growing period after brooding.