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Qualified North Carolina owners of soundly managed commercial forestland have been eligible for property tax reductions since 1974 through the state’s forestry present-use property tax program. To be eligible for Forestry Present Use Valuation, qualified forestland must be actively engaged in the commercial growing of trees under sound management (NC General Statues 105 277.2- 277.7). Commercial growing of trees will entail a harvest as a thinning, partial, or complete harvest of trees (as prescribed in the forest management plan filed with the county tax office). This publication provides a brief overview of the complicated law.
This publication discusses reforestation practices and the information needed to analyze a reforestation investment.
Successful pine plantings require a well-prepared site, quality seedlings, proper storage and field care of seedlings and timely planting by a crew trained in proper planting techniques. Most landowners contract with a vendor for such services. This publication gives information on (1) key clauses to include in any contract and (2) conditions which affect seedling survival and early growth.
With the high value of timbered forest property today, landowners would be well-advised to take sufficient steps to protect their investment. Maintaining property lines and boundaries is one of the simplest, yet most often overlooked forms of protection from theft, trespass and encroachment. This publication details the importance of property lines and how to maintain or reestablish them.
Soil quality is the most important factor in forest management decisions. Soils will determine which tree species yield the greatest timber volume, the time to harvest, and ultimately, the investment a landowner must make to yield an acceptable economic return from forest management. This publication discusses site index, the collective influence of soil factors for a particular tree species on a given soil area.
This publication discusses artificial and natural methods of reforestation that can be successfully used to reforest pines in North Carolina timberlands. Each method has advantages under certain situations. Landowners should select the best method for a specific tract in consultation with the County Extension Agent, County Forest Resources representative, forestry consultant or industrial forester.
Most commercially valuable tree species found in North Carolina require full or almost full sunlight for seed germination, establishment and early growth. For regeneration to succeed remove competing trees, weeds and brush or reduce their density. Such steps must be taken before planting or before pines or hardwoods can regenerate naturally. This publication discusses alternative site preparation methods available to landowners.
When storms damage woodlands and shade trees, woodland owners and homeowners have many questions about what to do with their damaged trees. This factsheet outlines guidelines for quick decision making and priority setting.
This publication seeks to 1) encourage landowners to evaluate the current condition and potential of their forest; 2) suggest proactive practices, which enhance forest health, diversity and productivity and; 3) investigate forest management and timber harvesting/regeneration options as they impact future forest condition, especially forest health, tree species composition and productivity for wildlife and timber.
This Forest*A*Syst publication was written as a personal, confidential learning tool to help achieve your goals for forest ownership. First, answer the self-assessment questions to determine where you interests lie, and then continue reading to learn practical ways of pursuing these interests. The text focuses on water quality and aesthetic improvements that originate from reasoned forest management To gather more information, review the sources of information in the Getting Help section and tap these sources to learn even more. Also, don't forget to follow the directions for developing a management plan tailored to your dreams for your forest.
Following a storm timber owners are often interested in salvaging their timber, but the utilization of storm-damaged timber depends on physical damage to trees and the length of time between damage and harvest. This publication provides guidelines for the utilization of storm-damaged timber.