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This factsheet provides instructions on how to properly care for tall fescue grass year round. It includes recommendations for mowing, fertilization, watering, pest control, and renovation.
This calendar provides detailed information for the proper care of centipedegrass.
This publication for homeowners and landscapers describes how to mow, fertilize, irrigate, and control weeds in a zoysiagrass lawn.
This calendar contains suggestions designed to help in the care and maintenance of St. Augustinegrass throughout the year. It includes recommendations for mowing, fertilization, watering, pest control, and renovation.
This calendar offers suggestions regarding management practices for all-season care of a bermudagrass athletic field.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of perennial ryegrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of annual ryegrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of Bermudagrass and addresses how to control it as a weed.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of tall fescue.
Infestations of moss in turf are associated with unfavorable conditions for growing healthy, dense turf. This publication offers control options.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of bahiagrass and addresses how to control it as a weed.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of annual bluegrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of crowfootgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of globe sedge and addresses how to control it as a weed in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of rough bluegrass.
This factsheet provides instructions on how to properly care for carpetgrass year round. It also includes information on fertilization and integrated pest management.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of goosegrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of orchardgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of annual sedge and addresses how to control it as a weed in turf.
This guide is designed to help turf managers identify the major turfgrass pests found in North Carolina and better understand their life cycles, symptoms, and biology.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of purple nutsedge and addresses how to control it as a weed in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of velvetgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of yellow nutsedge and addresses how to control it as a weed in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of nimblewill.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of large crabgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of green foxtail.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of cylindric sedge and addresses how to control it as a weed in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of green kyllinga and addresses how to control it as a weed in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of johnsongrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of dallisgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of thin paspalum.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of smooth crabgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of yellow foxtail.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of broomsedge.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of sandbur.