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Turfgrass, trees, and shrubs are desired in most landscapes because they are attractive and useful. Unfortunately, growing turfgrasses in the presence of trees and shrubs can be a formidable task because each plant group competes with the other for the light, water, and nutrients that are essential for survival and growth. Even so, homeowners can take steps to improve the performance of a lawn growing in shade.
This publication discusses weeds common to watermelon and how to control them. Weed management strategies include mechanical control, cultural control, and herbicide recommendations for grasses and broadleaf weeds such as Palmer amaranth and sedge weed species.
Infestations of moss in turf are associated with unfavorable conditions for growing healthy, dense turf. This publication offers control options.
This publication provides a general overview of silvopastures and discusses the results of forage productivity and microclimate assessments conducted in Goldsboro, NC. It highlights the importance of tree-forage compatibility, management strategies, and regional climatic considerations.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of buffalograss.
The dry matter yield and nutritive value of perennial warm-season grasses and corn silages were evaluated for preference and nutritive value when cut a different maturities and supplemented with crude protein and energy.