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2024 Southeastern US Vegetable Crop Handbook

By: J. M. Kemble, M.B. Bertucci, T.R. Bilbo, Katie Jennings, Inga Meadows, C. Rodrigues, Jim Walgenbach, A. L Wszelaki

The Southeastern Vegetable Extension Workers Group (SEVEW) is proud to offer you the 25th edition of the Southeastern U.S. 2024 Vegetable Crop Handbook. We are excited to provide growers, crop advisers, county educators, Extension agents, and specialists throughout the southeastern United States with this handbook. This handbook represents a joint effort among Extension specialists and researchers from 15 land-grant universities in the U.S. who work in the area of vegetable production. These specialists and researchers represent a wide array of disciplines: agricultural engineering, entomology, food safety, horticulture (vegetable production), plant pathology, postharvest physiology, soil science, and weed science.

Cucurbit Downy Mildew

By: Lina Quesada-Ocampo Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This vegetable pathology factsheet describes the identification and treatment of cucurbit downy mildew.

Commercial Luffa Sponge Gourd Production

By: Jeanine Davis Horticulture Information Leaflets

Luffa are tropical, vining plants that produce large fruits similar to cucumbers. When young and small the fruit can be cooked and prepared like summer squash. When the fruit mature, they have a rough, fibrous interior which is referred to as the sponge and is used to make a wide variety of products. Currently, luffa sponge products are most popular as personal care products and are readily available in the cosmetic and bath sections of department stores, discount stores, pharmacies, and specialty shops. This factsheet covers how to plant, harvest, and process luffa gourds in a temperate environment.

Weed Control in Watermelon

By: Katie Jennings, Matthew Bertucci

This publication discusses weeds common to watermelon and how to control them. Weed management strategies include mechanical control, cultural control, and herbicide recommendations for grasses and broadleaf weeds such as Palmer amaranth and sedge weed species.

Gummy Stem Blight of Cucurbits

By: Lina Quesada-Ocampo Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This vegetable pathology factsheet describes the identification and treatment of Gummy Stem Blight.

Cucurbit Powdery Mildew

By: Lina Quesada-Ocampo Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This factsheet discusses the identification and control of cucurbit powdery mildew.

Pests of Cucurbits

By: Kenneth Sorensen, James Baker, Cathy Cameron Carter, David Stephan

This factsheet, part of the Insect and Related Pests of Vegetables publication, includes an identification key and descriptions of pests that affect cucurbits.

Anthracnose of Cucurbits

By: Lina Quesada-Ocampo Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This vegetable pathology factsheet describes the identification and treatment of anthracnose in cucurbits.

Insect and Related Pests of Vegetables

By: Kenneth Sorensen, James Baker, Cathy Cameron Carter, David Stephan

This publication includes a key to identifying insects that can affect vegetable production. Asparagus, beans and peas, carrots, crucifers, cucurbits, eggplant, lettuce, okra, onions, peppers, potatoes, sweet corn, sweetpotatoes, and tomatoes are covered specifically.

Blossom-End Rot of Tomato, Pepper, and Watermelon

By: Charles Averre, Paul Shoemaker, Ella Hinchliffe Vegetable Disease Information

This factsheet discusses the symptoms, causes and control of blossom-end rot in tomatoes, peppers, and watermelon.