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18. Plants Grown in Containers

By: Diane Mays, Kim Richter, Lucy Bradley, Julie Sherk, Mark Kistler, Joe Neal

This Plants Grown in Containers chapter from the Extension Gardener Handbook teaches gardeners about selecting appropriate plants and containers, and their maintenance. Both indoor houseplants and outdoor container gardening are covered.

Sooty Molds

By: Steven Frank, Stephen Bambara, R. K. Jones, James Baker Entomology Insect Notes

This Entomology Insect Note describes the biology and control of sooty molds, fungi that grow microscopic threads that form easily visible black spots on many plants.

Mummy Berry Disease of Blueberry

By: Bill Cline, Lena Wilson Fruit Disease Information

This publication describes the signs, symptoms and disease cycle of Mummy berry, a fungal disease of blueberry species. Recommendations for best management practices are included.

Darkwinged Fungus Gnats

By: Steven Frank, Stephen Bambara Entomology Insect Notes

This Entomology Insect Note describes darkwinged fungus gnats, an insect pest of some field crops, shrubs, and houseplants.

Anthracnose of Cucurbits

By: Lina Quesada-Ocampo Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This vegetable pathology factsheet describes the identification and treatment of anthracnose in cucurbits.

Fairy Ring in Turf

By: Lee Butler, Jim Kerns TurfFiles

This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of fairy ring.

Collar Rot and Alternaria Stem Canker of Tomato

By: Amanda Scherer, Inga Meadows Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This vegetable disease factsheet discusses collar rot and Alternaria stem canker of tomato, which are caused by different species of fungi belonging to the genus Alternaria. Both pathogens can cause large, irregularly shaped stem lesions with pronounced concentric rings. However, the concentric rings may not always be pronounced with collar rot.

Southern Blight of Tomato and Pepper

By: Inga Meadows, Amanda Scherer, Michelle Henson Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This plant disease fact sheet discusses southern blight, a soil-borne fungus that attacks tomatoes and peppers, and several other economically important crops, including beans, cantaloupe, carrots, peppers, potatoes, sweet potato, and watermelon.

Sweetpotato Scurf

By: Lina Quesada-Ocampo Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This factsheet describes the identification and management of sweetpotato scurf.

Gray Leaf Spot in Corn

By: Daisy Ahumada Corn Disease Information

This corn disease information note offers information on the symptoms and management of gray leaf spot in corn production in North Carolina.

Megalodacne Pleasing Fungus Beetles

By: James Baker PDIC Factsheets

This factsheet describes the biology of the pleasing fungus beetles in the genus Megalodacne.

Foliar Fungal Diseases on High Tunnel and Greenhouse Tomatoes

By: Amanda Scherer, Inga Meadows Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

This vegetable disease fact sheet discusses three foliar fungal diseases (Botrytis gray mold, leaf mold, and powdery mildew) of high tunnel and greenhouse tomatoes.

Diseases of Ash Trees in North Carolina

By: Rebecca Eshleman, Kelly Oten

This factsheet describes several diseases that impact the health of ash trees.

Cylindrocladium Black Rot of Peanut

By: Barbara Shew

This factsheet offers information on the signs, symptoms, and control of cylindrocladium black rot in peanut production.