NC State Extension Publications Numbered Publications, Factsheets, Hard Copy Documents, Authoritative Sources & more …

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Chapter 4: Crop Production Management - Wheat and Small Grains

By: Randy Weisz, Christina Cowger, Dominic Reisig, David Suchoff

This chapter of the North Carolina Organic Commodities Production Guide covers key management practices for organic wheat and small grain production: crop rotation, tillage, variety selection, planting date, seeding rates and drill operation, soil fertility, and harvest.

Organic Sweet Corn Production

By: Jeanine Davis Horticulture Information Leaflets

Many organic vegetable farmers are interested in producing sweet corn. Organic sweet corn can be grown in North Carolina and throughout the Southeast, but special considerations for variety selection, insect and disease control, economics, and markets must be made for it to be a profitable crop.

Sweet Sorghum Production to Support Energy and Industrial Products

By: Matthew Veal, Mari S. Chinn, Matthew Whitfield

This publication offers an overview of the cultivation, harvest, and marketing opportunities of sweet sorghum in North Carolina and the Southeast.

Gray Leaf Spot in Corn

By: Daisy Ahumada Corn Disease Information

This corn disease information note offers information on the symptoms and management of gray leaf spot in corn production in North Carolina.

Sweet Sorghum Ethanol Production

By: Matthew Veal, Mari S. Chinn, Larry Stikeleather, Matthew B. Whitfield

This factsheet describes how to process mature sweet sorghum into ethanol and how this process could be implemented on a farm or private residence in the southeastern United States.

Alternative Synthetic Nitrogen Fertilizer Products for Row Crop Production

By: Luke Gatiboni SoilFacts

Nitrogen fertilizer products are being developed and marketed as having the potential to increase yields and nutrient use efficiency, and decrease volatilization (gas). How do these products actually perform on different soils and row crops, under various climatic conditions? This publication summarizes findings from recent studies that investigated alternative nitrogen fertilizer products for row crops in four North Carolina regions.

A Guide to Price-Risk Management in Grain Marketing for North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia

By: Nick Piggott

This guide summarizes marketing options for grain and soybean growers and explains how to use basis, the difference between cash and futures prices, to evaluate marketing options.

Long-Term Tillage Effects on Corn and Soybean Yields in the Piedmont

By: Ekrem Ozlu, Joshua Heitman, A. M. Howard SoilFacts

This publication discusses tillage treatments for large-seeded crops like corn and soybeans in the Piedmont region and recommends minimizing tillage based on research at the Upper Piedmont Research Station.

Late Harvest Effects on Wheat Yield, Test Weight, and Grain Quality

By: Dianne Farrer, Randy Weisz, Jessica Engle SmartGrains

This wheat publication presents data on the impact of late harvest on yield, test weight, falling numbers, deoxynivalenol (DON) levels, grain protein content, and milling and baking characteristics.