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Agritourism, Your Way

By: Kent Wolfe, Gary Bullen A How-To Guide for Successful Agritourism Enterprises

Agricultural tourism increases the potential for on-farm sales with value-adding products and services, further diversifying the farm operation's product line. There are three agritourism basics: have something for visitors to see, something for them to do, and something for them to buy. This publication covers all elements of planning a successful agritourism enterprise, including business planning, marketing, learning legal rules and regulations, assessing risk and safety considerations, and considering customer satisfaction.

Limited Liability Companies: Operating Agreement Components and Sample Language

By: Robert Andrew Branan Farm Law for Operators and Landowners

This factsheet explains the components of operating agreements for limited liability companies.

An Explanation of Ownership Rights in Property

By: Robert Andrew Branan Farm Law for Operators and Landowners

This narrative explains the very basics of how property is classified and how title (ownership) to property is held, and the legal rights of disposition associated with that ownership. This discussion primarily concerns real property title passed to heirs as inheritance.

Land Ownership, Liability, and the Law in North Carolina

By: Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

This publication explains the major laws impacting a landowner’s liability in North Carolina and the responsibilities landowners have for invited and uninvited users of their property.

Zoning and Land Use Regulation of Forestry

By: Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

This publication discusses how zoning and land use regulations impact the practice of forestry in North Carolina. The publication also explains planning jurisdictions, components of a zoning ordinance, and where to go for more information.

The Last Will and Testament: A Primer

By: Robert Andrew Branan Farm Law for Operators and Landowners

This short article provides a basic overview of wills, their drafting and utility in disposition of property at death.

The Basics of Trusts in Farm Succession Planning

By: Robert Andrew Branan Farm Law for Operators and Landowners

This short article reviews the basics of trusts as used in farm transfer planning.

Who Is Responsible for the Trees? A Citizen Guide to Trees in the Community

By: Robert Bardon, Brandon King

This publication provides guidance on who is responsible for the maintenance and care of public and private trees in a community.

The Status and Trends of Wetland Loss and Legal Protection in North Carolina

By: Jack Kurki-Fox, Robert Andrew Branan, Mike Burchell

This publication provides an overview of historical wetland trends in North Carolina and discusses how wetland regulations have evolved to their current status. It also summarizes the potential new impacts of climate change on North Carolina wetlands.

Liability for Injury from Livestock

By: Robert Andrew Branan Farm Law for Operators and Landowners

This publication provides farmers or landowners with an overview of rules of liability for any injuries or property damage caused by livestock, whether on the farm or loose outside the property. It covers North Carolina fence law, impoundment of loose livestock, off-farm injury from loose livestock, injury by livestock on the farm, "visitor liability defense” statutes, and animal injury to trespassers.

Who Will Regulate My Food Business?

By: John Rushing, P.A. Curtis, D.P. Green, A.M. Fraser, D.H. Pilkington, L.G. Turner, D.R. Ward

This factsheet gives an overview of the different federal, state, and county agencies that regulate food businesses.

Developing Successful Tree Ordinances

By: Robert Bardon, Mark Megalos, Amy Graul, Kevin Miller

This publication discusses how communities use tree ordinances as tools to protect trees, preserve green space and promote healthy, managed urban forests. To protect trees and prevent their loss in the urban environment, communities need to understand tree ordinances, their limitations and their proper implementation.

The Verbal (Statutory) Farm Tenancy

Farm Law for Operators and Landowners

This pre-peer reviewed publication provides a brief overview of the "year-to-year" farm tenancy as protected by the North Carolina General Statutes. Issues examined the nature of farm tenancy, specific termination notice requirements, and removal of personal property by the tenant.

Practicing Forestry Under Local Regulations

By: Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

This publication examines tree protection regulations, zoning and other ordinances. Guidance is offered on how to practice forestry under existing regulations and on how involvement in the community can retain forestry as a viable land use.

Tree Fall Liability: Who Is Responsible for Property Damage?

By: Robert Andrew Branan Farm Law for Operators and Landowners

This brief factsheet covers factors that assign liability for property damage due to tree fall incidents.

Liability Defenses for Injury of Farm Visitors

By: Robert Andrew Branan Farm Law for Operators and Landowners

This factsheet provides an overview of a farmer or landowner’s obligations to visitors — invited and otherwise — to the property, including a description of each of the visitor liability defense statutes.

Certification Training for Operators of Animal Waste Management Systems - Type A

By: Steph Kulesza, Mahmoud Sharara, Marti Day, Stefani Sykes, Amanda Hatcher, Nancy Keith, Max Knowles, Becky Spearman

This training program is designed to provide operators of animal waste management systems with the basic understanding needed to operate and maintain these systems in an efficient and environmentally sound manner. This manual is not intended to provide all of the technical details for the complete design of a waste management system or an approved animal waste management plan.

Risk Assessment and Management

By: Kent Wolfe, Gary Bullen A How-To Guide for Successful Agritourism Enterprises

What types of risk are you taking on when you engage in agritourism? The first risk normally thought of is liability. While liability is extremely important, other types of risk are also important for you to consider. To be successful, you must correctly assess and manage risk.

La ley de equidad de vivienda y modificaciones razonables

By: Sarah Kirby Fair Housing Law

This factsheet discusses reasonable accommodation and reasonable modification and fair housing law.