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Understanding Forestry Terms: A Glossary for Private Landowners

By: Mark Megalos, James Kea, Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

This publication lists and defines more than 150 forest resource terms to help you in conversing with others about forestry matters and in making informed decisions about your forestland.

Zoning and Land Use Regulation of Forestry

By: Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

This publication discusses how zoning and land use regulations impact the practice of forestry in North Carolina. The publication also explains planning jurisdictions, components of a zoning ordinance, and where to go for more information.

Maintaining Forest Property Boundaries

By: Mark Megalos, Rick Hamilton, Andrew Branan Woodland Owner Notes

With the high value of timbered forest property today, landowners would be well-advised to take sufficient steps to protect their investment. Maintaining property lines and boundaries is one of the simplest, yet most often overlooked forms of protection from theft, trespass and encroachment. This publication details the importance of property lines and how to maintain or reestablish them.

Developing Wildlife-Friendly Pine Plantations

By: Christopher Moorman, Jameson Boone Woodland Owner Notes

This publication describes how to provide a suitable habitat for many wildlife species without significantly reducing timber production or cash flow from timber sales.

Accomplishing Forest Stewardship with Hand-Applied Herbicides

By: Mark Megalos, James Jeuck, Colby Lambert, Wayne Buhler

Hand-applied herbicide technologies are varied and effective tools which allow the landowner to selectively control vegetation in a variety of circumstances. This publication discusses the advantages and disadvantages of hand-applied herbicides, as well as application methods.

Keeping the Land: Succession Planning for Landowners

By: Kurt Smith, Tamara Cushing

This publication provides information and strategies to help landowners with the transfer of land, wealth, and assets from one generation to the next. It focuses on understanding and building awareness of challenges faced by land owners engaged in forestry and agriculture and motivating families to address these challenges. This information and associated worksheets are designed to facilitate improved communication with family members, business partners, attorneys, and tax specialists during the succession planning process.

Reforestation of North Carolina's Pines

By: Jameson Boone, Rick Hamilton Woodland Owner Notes

This publication discusses artificial and natural methods of reforestation that can be successfully used to reforest pines in North Carolina timberlands. Each method has advantages under certain situations. Landowners should select the best method for a specific tract in consultation with the County Extension Agent, County Forest Resources representative, forestry consultant or industrial forester.

Forest Land Enhancement Practices in North Carolina

By: Mark Megalos, Rick Hamilton, Colby Lambert

This publication seeks to 1) encourage landowners to evaluate the current condition and potential of their forest; 2) suggest proactive practices, which enhance forest health, diversity and productivity and; 3) investigate forest management and timber harvesting/regeneration options as they impact future forest condition, especially forest health, tree species composition and productivity for wildlife and timber.

Voluntary Conservation Options for Land Protection in North Carolina

By: Mark Megalos, Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli Woodland Owner Notes

Landowners share a deep connection to their land and the legacy they’ll leave behind. With so many conservation options to consider, landowners need to have a working knowledge of the choices to protect their land in the near and long term. Landowners should identify their goals before embarking upon a conservation strategy. Once a conservation strategy is selected, then the implications of state and federal taxes can be explored. This publication reviews the most common land conservation and protection options.

Wildlife and Forest Stewardship

By: Christopher Moorman, Mark Megalos, Kelly Douglass Woodland Owner Notes

Developing forestland to continually produce timber and provide wildlife habitat requires an active management plan. Forest stewardship, the process of managing all of the forest’s natural resources together, enables us to conserve our forest resources, including timber, wildlife, soil and water. Forestry and wildlife management are not only compatible, they are interrelated. Managing for wildlife habitat can even improve forest productivity. This publication describes the basic concepts of management, showing how forestry operations affect wildlife habitat.

Wildland Fire Programming for Extension and Outreach Professionals

By: Laurel Kays, Jennifer Fawcett

This publication serves as a resource for Extension and other outreach professionals who plan wildland fire programs in their communities. It provides practical information and considerations for program formats and resources for program planning.

Management by Objectives: Successful Forest Planning

By: Mark Megalos Woodland Owner Notes

This publication covers effective forest planning, including setting goals. Three owner profiles are presented and discussed followed by a worksheet to set your own priorities and goals.

Selling Your Timber? Don't Make an Uninformed Decision!

By: Robert Bardon

This publication explains the risks involved in selling timber without knowledge of current market conditions and provides guidelines for selling your timber with the assistance of a registered forester.

Managing the Right Species on the Right Site: Part 2, Species Selection

By: Jameson Boone

This publication helps landowners choose management strategies to regenerate tree stands after harvest. It explains different harvesting techniques for managing specific species, planning resources, site limitations, commonly planted and regenerated tree types, and other management considerations.

Recreational Forest Trails: Plan for Success

By: Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

This publication explores proven ways to plan, construct and interpret various types of recreational forest trails.

The Educational Needs of North Carolina’s Forest Landowners

By: Robert Bardon, Kristin Peters, Rajan Parajuli, Jay Jayaratne

This publication reports the results of an educational needs assessment of North Carolina’s non-industrial private forest owners conducted by NC State Extension Forestry in 2020.

Managing the Right Species on the Right Site: Part 1, Site Selection

By: Jameson Boone Woodland Owner Notes

This publication helps landowners make smart choices about managing forests by understanding which tree species are best for different areas. It explains how factors like site aspect, elevation, and terrain affect species composition in the North Carolina mountains, piedmont, and coastal plain. Insights on soil types and species competitiveness are also provided to help landowners make informed decisions about forest management.

Management Plans: A Planning Guide for Landowners

By: Robert Bardon

This publication provides an overview of woodlands management and a step-by-step process landowners can use to begin developing a management plan for their woodlands. It includes worksheets for defining goals and objectives, prioritizing land uses, identifying needs, and planning management activities.