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Invasive Plants and Your Forests

By: Christopher Moorman, Mark Megalos, Kelly Douglass Healthy Forests

This publication describes invasive plants in North Carolina and provides landowners with information on prevention, management and eradication.

Common Insect Pests of Oak in North Carolina

By: Rebecca Eshleman, Kelly Oten

This factsheet provides brief descriptions of common insect pests of oak (Quercus spp.) in North Carolina. Pest descriptions are brief but provide links for readers to learn more.

Common Insect Pests of Maple in North Carolina

By: Rebecca Eshleman, Kelly Oten

This factsheet provides brief descriptions of common insect pests of maple (Acer spp.) in North Carolina. Pest descriptions are brief but provide links for readers to learn more.

Dutch Elm Disease

By: Delaney Serpan, Kelly Oten Invasive Forest Pests

This factsheet describes the disease cycle, symptoms, and management of Dutch Elm Disease.

Wildland Fire Programming for Extension and Outreach Professionals

By: Laurel Kays, Jennifer Fawcett

This publication serves as a resource for Extension and other outreach professionals who plan wildland fire programs in their communities. It provides practical information and considerations for program formats and resources for program planning.

Firewood as a Vector in Invasive Pest Dispersal

By: Kelly Oten Invasive Forest Pests

This factsheet covers information related to firewood as a threat in moving invasive pests to new areas.

Managing the Right Species on the Right Site: Part 2, Species Selection

By: Jameson Boone

This publication helps landowners choose management strategies to regenerate tree stands after harvest. It explains different harvesting techniques for managing specific species, planning resources, site limitations, commonly planted and regenerated tree types, and other management considerations.

Forest Health - Community Wealth

By: Mark Megalos, Colby Lambert, Kelly Oten, Rick Hamilton, Elizabeth Hughes (late) Forest*A*Syst

This Forest*A*Syst publication was written as a personal, confidential learning tool to help achieve your goals for forest ownership. First, answer the self-assessment questions to determine where you interests lie, and then continue reading to learn practical ways of pursuing these interests. The text focuses on water quality and aesthetic improvements that originate from reasoned forest management To gather more information, review the sources of information in the Getting Help section and tap these sources to learn even more. Also, don't forget to follow the directions for developing a management plan tailored to your dreams for your forest.

Southern Foresters’ Observations of Threats to Forest Health and Implications for Continuing Education

By: Rachel Greene, Mark Megalos, William Hubbard, Leslie Boby, Hilary Morris

Southern forests experience several threats to health and productivity, and these threats are expected to increasingly stress forests through the 21st century. We surveyed professional foresters in the southern United States to identify how frequently they observe seventeen threats to forest health, including climate change and its potential impacts.

Managing for Resilience

By: Mark Megalos Healthy Forests

You can proactively manage your forest for health and vigor and help it to adapt to climate change using many best management practices recommended in this publication. Covered topics include planting genetically diverse varieties, thinning and altering rotation length, prescribed burning and controlling invasive species.