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Expressing feelings can lead to improved interpersonal relationships.
Right at your doorstep may be many of the answers to the social, educational, and health challenges faced by children, parents, and teachers in the United States. Tips for encouraging outdoor activities with children are included, along with strategies for setting a standard to be outdoors, care for the environment, and spend time with family.
“Se hacen puentes al andar” is about highlighting the power of family belonging and the risks associated with family rejection; lack of positive LGBTQ+ representation; and rigid adherence to traditional gender roles. Each story featured is drawn from a study about Latino LGBTQ+ youth belonging within a familial context and includes corresponding research-based and participant-informed recommendations for you—the parent, caregiver, or loved one of an LGBTQ+ youth.
In the event of economic stress or hardship, it is a good time to step back and take stock of your many resources. These resources may be personal, that is, something within you, or from your family and community. Ideas for identifying and making the most of these sources of strength and support for getting by when times are tough are included in this factsheet.
Research tells us that communication and commitment are keys to a strong family. This publication can help you foster both by making time for family meetings.
Taking care of a parent, spouse or older relative while holding down a full-time job can be very demanding and stressful. This publication offers information on how to assess your situation and identify additional resources to help.
This publication offers tips on dealing with stress.
Is losing your job a possibility or a reality? Few families have savings to buffer their expenses until they find work again. Acting as if nothing has happened and keeping kids in the dark — letting them think everything is normal — can only last a short while.
This publication presents the results of interviews with women in agritourism across North Carolina. It discusses the successes, challenges, and opportunities these women face in the agritourism industry and offers conclusions on strategies to overcome challenges and improve success.