NC State Extension Publications Numbered Publications, Factsheets, Hard Copy Documents, Authoritative Sources & more …

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Guide to Deciding When to Start and Stop Irrigation for Frost Protection of Fruit Crops

By: Katharine Perry Horticulture Information Leaflets

The decisions of when to turn an irrigation system on and off for frost protection are complex and difficult. This guide presents a procedure to follow in making these decisions. This guide is based on the assumption that you have completed certain tasks prior to the night of the decision making. These tasks encompass important planning decisions that are made well ahead of the frost season.

Adaptive Wheat Management: Increasing Wheat Yield by Adjusting for Weather Conditions

By: Ron Heiniger, Matthew Tilley, Joseph Oakes, Angela Post, Gail Wilkerson

Variable growing environments for wheat can lead to challenges from one season to another. Adaptive management is a system of adjusting management practices based on weather fluctuations. This publication provides information on how environmental extremes influence wheat growth and how to implement adaptive management practices for optimal wheat yield.

Protecting Valuable Records

By: Sarah Kirby Disaster Preparedness

Many people assume that floods, storms, hurricanes and other disasters happen to someone else, and many people postpone taking care of family papers. This factsheet helps you to determine what papers you should worry about protecting.

Estimating Available Time to Plant and Harvest Peanuts

By: Jason Ward, Terry Griffin, David Jordan, Gary Roberson

This publication looks at historical records to estimate the number of days available for planting and harvesting peanuts in North Carolina. The goal is to provide producers with information to help plan for the available days suitable for field work and make decisions about peanut equipment and working acreage.

Helping Your Family Prepare Before a Disaster

By: Sarah Kirby, Karen DeBord Disaster Preparedness

Don’t be reluctant to talk with your family about the possibility of a hurricane, fire, tornado, or flood. Thought and action before the disaster hits usually helps family members react wisely. Families that work together to prepare for the problem will cope better than those who do not take precautions.

Utilizing the NC State University Cotton Planting Conditions Calculator and the NCDA&CS Cotton Seed Database to Make Wise Planting Decisions

By: Guy Collins, Keith Edmisten, Sandy Stewart, Bill Foote

This publication provides an overview of the NC State University Cotton Planting Conditions Calculator and the NCDA&CS Cotton Seed Database. It explains how to use these tools to aid in making cotton planting decisions.