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This diseases and disorders chapter from the Extension Gardener Handbook discusses how to keep plants healthy through cultural practices. The types of plant pathogens including: fungi, bacteria, nematodes, viruses, and parasitic plants are discussed. Strategies are reviewed for managing diseases using an integrated pest management approach.
This factsheet describes bacterial blight of cotton, including identification and disease management.
La mancha angular de la fresa, causada por la bacteria Xanthomonas fragariae, a menudo se confunde con otras enfermedades comunes como la Mancha foliar y el Tizón de la hoja. Una vez que se establece la infección, poco se puede hacer hasta que las condiciones de frío y alta humedad disminuyan. Afortunadamente, esta enfermedad generalmente no afecta severamente los rendimientos.
This factsheet discusses the symptoms and control of bacterial spot of peppers and tomatoes.
This factsheet covers management of bacterial spot on ornamentals.
This factsheet provides guidance on how to ensure foods are safe when preparing large amounts for gatherings.
This factsheet provides an overview of Listeria and includes guidance on the prevention of foodborne infections (listeriosis).
This factsheet provides general information about scorch or marginal burning on leaves of shade trees.