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Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) is a viral disease of tomato that has limited distribution in the United States. TYLCV can cause devastating losses to tomato growers once established in the production site. This viral disease can also be found in temperate, tropical, and sub-tropical regions of the world. TYLCV is transmitted by adult whiteflies and is difficult to control once introduced to an area.
This publication provides homeowners with recommended chemical control options to use in combination with an integrated management plan for managing common diseases in the landscape or garden.
This factsheet covers the pathogen, host plants, symptoms, and management of downy mildew, a foliar disease that affects brassica crops.
Many ornamental crop species (including trees, shrubs, and bedding plants) are susceptible to diseases caused by Phytophthora, a genus of plant-pathogenic oomycetes (also known as water molds) that can persist in soil for several years. This publication rates common bedding plants, shrubs, and trees on their resistance to Phytophthora.
This publication describes gray leaf spot of tomato. Disease management options are provided for conventional and organic growers and for homeowners.
This factsheet describes the symptoms and management of various viruses that can affect greenhouse tomato production in North Carolina.
This publication details strategies for to prevent and manage soilborne diseases in greenhouse crop production using soilless media. Tactics include sanitation measures, cultural practices, and the application of treatments to limit the development and spread of these diseases in the greenhouse.
The pathogen, host plants, symptoms and management of clubroot, a disease of crucifer crops, are discussed in this factsheet.
This factsheet describes Southern bacterial wilt, a widespread and destructive disease affecting multiple crops, and gives management options.
This publication provides information about what biopesticides are, how they control plant diseases, and how they are used to control diseases of vegetables.
This publication discusses using chemical plant protectants for disease control on greenhouse vegetables.