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Browse by Author: Rachel Vann
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The Soybean Plant

By: Katherine Drake Stowe, Rachel Vann

This publication, chapter 1 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, describes the soybean plant and its various growth stages.

North Carolina Soybean Production Guide

By: Katherine Drake Stowe, Rachel Vann, Carl Crozier, Gary Bullen, Jim Dunphy, Wesley Everman, Luke Gatiboni, Adrienne Gorny, David Hardy, Ryan Heiniger, Steph Kulesza, Nick Piggott, Dominic Reisig, Gary Roberson, Heidi Schweizer, Lindsey Thiessen, Derek Washburn, Deanna Osmond

This publication provides information to growers about soybean production in North Carolina. It discusses economic trends and forecasts, cultural practices, variety selection, planting decisions, nutrient management, diseases and pests, and other production practices.

Planting Decisions

By: Rachel Vann, Jim Dunphy, Adrienne Gorny, Dominic Reisig, Gary Roberson

This publication, chapter 5 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, discusses soybean planting decisions, including planting dates, depth, and seeding equipment calibration.

How Have Foliar Treatments Affected Soybean Yields in North Carolina Trials?

By: Rachel Vann, Jim Dunphy, Lindsey Thiessen, Michael Buffaloe

This publication discusses the trends identified by research on the impacts of foliar fungicides and fertilizers on soybean yields in various environments across North Carolina.

Rotational Considerations

By: Rachel Vann, Jim Dunphy

This publication, chapter 3 of the North Carolina Soybean Production Guide, discusses crop rotation and cover crops in soybean production.

Soybean Fertilizer Burn

By: Rachel Vann, Donald Stokes

Fertilizer burn can occur to the soybean seed from an in-furrow application and to the foliage from a foliar application. An in-furrow application can cause salt injury or ammonium toxicity to the soybean seed. Fertilizer is somewhat rarely applied to soybeans over-the-crop, however if it is done fertilizer burn can occur depending on source and concentration. This factsheet discusses the symptoms and management of fertilizer burn.

Grain Pea Production in North Carolina

By: Rachel Vann, Chris Reberg-Horton, Esleyther Henriquez Inoa

This publication discusses the findings of applied research conducted to answer production questions about growing grain peas in North Carolina. Topics include planting date, seeding rate, and variety selection.

Planting Rate Recommendations for Organic Soybean Producers

By: George Place, Adam Smith, Rachel Vann, Chris Reberg-Horton

For organic soybean producers increased seeding rates improve early soybean canopy density, which shades out weeds in the early stages of weed competition. Organic soybean producers can increase seeding rates with much less of a negative impact on economic return than for conventional production with herbicides.

Soybean Hurricane Damage

By: Rachel Vann, Donald Stokes

This factsheet discusses the effect on soybean fields after a hurricane and how to proceed with production after extended rain or a flood.

Soybean Deep Planting

By: Rachel Vann, Donald Stokes

This publication discusses planting depth for soybean producers in North Carolina.

Soybean Cold Damage

By: Rachel Vann, Donald Stokes

Cold damage in soybeans can emerge early or late in the season. This publication describes the symptoms and management of cold damage in soybeans in North Carolina.

Soybean Deer Damage

By: Rachel Vann, Donald Stokes

This factsheet discusses recognizing and treating soybeans that have been damaged by deer in North Carolina.

Soybean Crusting

By: Rachel Vann, Donald Stokes

Soil crusting is a problem that can occur after soybean planting before the soybeans have emerged. This factsheet discusses the symptoms and management of soil crusting in North Carolina soybean production.

Soybean Lightning Damage

By: Rachel Vann, Donald Stokes

This publication describes the symptoms of a lightning strike in soybeans in North Carolina.

Soybean Hail Damage

By: Rachel Vann, Donald Stokes

This factsheet discusses how to mitigate hail damage in soybean production in North Carolina.

Soybean Sunscald

By: Rachel Vann, Donald Stokes

Sunscald is caused by bright sunlight on a wet leaf after exposure to high temperatures. Symptomology typically appears as rusty discoloration on the underside of leaves. This factsheet describes the symptoms and management of sunscald in soybean in North Carolina.