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La antracnosis es una enfermedad importante de la fresa con todas las partes de la planta (fruto, coronas, hojas, pecíolos y estolones) siendo susceptibles al patógeno. Tres especies relacionadas del hongo Colletotrichum, incluyendo C. acutatum, C. gloeosporioides y C. fragariae pueden asociarse con la antracnosis. Sin embargo, C. acutatum es el principal patógeno asociado con la fase de podredumbre de la fruta por antracnosis (AFR) y el tema principal de esta hoja informativa.
La mancha angular de la fresa, causada por la bacteria Xanthomonas fragariae, a menudo se confunde con otras enfermedades comunes como la Mancha foliar y el Tizón de la hoja. Una vez que se establece la infección, poco se puede hacer hasta que las condiciones de frío y alta humedad disminuyan. Afortunadamente, esta enfermedad generalmente no afecta severamente los rendimientos.
Anthracnose is an important disease of strawberry with all parts of the plant (fruit, crowns, leaves, petioles and runners) being susceptible to the disease. Disease control is difficult when environmental conditions are favorable for disease development and if inoculum is present. The disease can be especially destructive to susceptible California strawberry cultivars (e.g. Chandler, Camarosa, Albion) when grown on black plastic.
La antracnosis es una enfermedad importante de la fruta de fresa, coronas, hojas, pecíolos y estolones. Tres especies relacionadas del hongo Colletotrichum, incluyendo C. acutatum, C. gloeosporioides y C. fragariae pueden asociarse con plantas de fresa. Esta hoja informativa destaca la antracnosis de la corona (ACR) causada principalmente por C. gloeosporioides y ocasionalmente por C. fragariae (algunos los clasifican dentro del mismo grupo de especies; otros los consideran especies diferentes).
Anthracnose crown rot is caused by the pathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. This disease can cause significant economic damage to strawberry nursery and fruit production systems, particularly in the southeastern production region. This article highlights the symptoms and signs of the disease, disease cycle, methods for diagnosis and integrated management recommendations.
Common leaf spot of strawberries is described.
Angular leaf spot is caused by the bacteria Xanthomonas fragariae and occurs frequently in North Carolina and surrounding states. The pathogen is introduced on infected plant material and is difficult to control but economic damage is often low.
Grapes are subject to attack by many different pests, including nematodes, fungal, bacterial, and viral pathogens, insects, and wildlife, such as deer and birds.Weeds, which compete with the vines for soil moisture and nutrients, may also be included in this list. Recognizing and understanding the nature of these pests is essential to minimizing crop losses.This chapter briefly describes the major pests that routinely threaten bunch grapes in North Carolina and discusses control measures.