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This factsheet provides instructions on how to properly care for tall fescue grass year round. It includes recommendations for mowing, fertilization, watering, pest control, and renovation.
The following management practices will help you care for your lawn throughout the year. Location, terrain, soil type and condition, age of the lawn, previous lawn care, and other factors affect turf performance, so adjust these management practices and dates to suit your particular lawn.
This calendar provides detailed information for the proper care of centipedegrass.
This publication for homeowners and landscapers describes how to mow, fertilize, irrigate, and control weeds in a zoysiagrass lawn.
This annual guide supplies information concerning pesticides that can be used for controlling pests in turfgrasses. Revised for 2025.
This calendar contains suggestions designed to help in the care and maintenance of St. Augustinegrass throughout the year. It includes recommendations for mowing, fertilization, watering, pest control, and renovation.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of white grubs and addresses how to control them as an insect in turf.
This publication covers insect control in a variety of crops, as well as household pests.
Recommended maintenance practices for a lawn that consists of a blend of tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass are the same as those for a tall fescue lawn. The following management practices will help you care for your lawn throughout the year.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of the earthworm and addresses how to control it as an insect in turf.
Recommended maintenance practices for a lawn that consists of a blend of tall fescue, hard (fine) fescue, and Kentucky bluegrass are the same as those for a tall fescue lawn. The following management practices will help you care for your lawn throughout the year.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of ground pearls and addresses how to control them as an insect in turf.
This publication discusses the biology, damage, and control of fire ants in pastures.
This guide to lawn maintenance for North Carolina contains information on establishing a new lawn, maintaining it, and controlling lawn pests using organic methods. It also provides information on renovating an existing lawn.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of crane fly larvae and addresses how to control them as insects in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of the cutworm and addresses how to control it as an insect in turf.
This factsheet describes the biology and management of Green June beetles (GJB), Cotinis nitida. The larvae can cause direct damage to turfgrass by feeding on plant roots and organic matter in the soil.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of the annual bluegrass weevil and addresses how to control it as an insect in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of the chinch bug and addresses how to control it as an insect in turf.
This factsheet provides instructions on how to properly care for carpetgrass year round. It also includes information on fertilization and integrated pest management.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of fire ants and addresses how to control them as an insect in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of fall armyworms and addresses how to control them as an insect.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of the clover mite and addresses how to control it as an insect in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of nuisance ants and addresses how to control them as an insect in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of the Japanese beetle and addresses how to control it as an insect in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of bees and addresses how to control them as an insect in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of the millipedes and addresses how to control them as an insect in turf.
This factsheet describes the biology and management of wireworms, a worm-like larvae of click beetles that are pests of turfgrass.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of the cicada killer wasp and addresses how to control it as an insect in turf.
This guide introduces readers to some of the most common visitors to gardens in North Carolina, particularly in turfgrass-dominated areas. Readers will glean basic information about bees, wasps, butterflies, flies, beetles, and true bugs found among wildflowers in these locations.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of the sugarcane beetle and addresses how to control it as an insect in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of the mole cricket and addresses how to control it as an insect in turf.
This factsheet summarizes the characteristics of the hunting billbug and addresses how to control it as an insect in turf.
This publication discusses the biology and control of zoysiagrass mites, occasional pests of turfgrass in North Carolina.