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This factsheet identifies several varieties of the ornamental Callery Pear tree and their impacts on native ecosystems.
A quick guide providing commonly used herbicides used in forest site preparation and release treatments. Tables are broken into (1) conifer site preparation, (2) hardwood plantation site preparation, (3) hardwood natural regeneration site preparation, (4) conifer early release, (5) early hardwood release, (6) cut surface herbicides used for intermediate or crop tree release. Each table provides the herbicide active ingredient, trade names of labels approved for forestry applications, best time of year to use the herbicide, target species, and species that are resistant to the herbicide. The trade names are linked to the most recent specimen label so users may look up the details of that brand for safety, mixing, and delivery methods. The links use the CDMS database for specimen labels:
This fact sheet covers the identification, impacts, and management for tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus), an invasive plant.
This publication covers chemical weed control and weed response to a variety of crops.
This factsheet provides brief descriptions of common disease pests of oak (Quercus spp.) in North Carolina. Pest descriptions are brief to allow readers to peruse common diseases of oaks, but provide links for readers to learn more.
This factsheet provides brief descriptions of common insect pests of oak (Quercus spp.) in North Carolina. Pest descriptions are brief but provide links for readers to learn more.
Chestnut blight is a fungal pathogen that caused the functional extinction of American chestnut in eastern North American forests. This fact sheet describes the history, biology, signs and symptoms, and hope related to the demise of chestnut in the US.
This factsheet provides brief descriptions of common insect pests of maple (Acer spp.) in North Carolina. Pest descriptions are brief but provide links for readers to learn more.
This fact sheet discusses the three most common pine bark beetles in North Carolina and their impacts, identification, and management.
This fact sheet compiles common disease of dogwood trees (Cornaceae) in North Carolina. It contains brief descriptions with links to reputable and more thorough fact sheets.
This fact sheet describes the biology of the oak apple gall wasp.
This factsheet offers information on the biology and management of the spotted lanternfly, an invasive agricultural, ornamental, and nuisance pest in the United States.
The elm zigzag sawfly is an invasive species first reported in North America in 2020. This fact sheet details what is known about its biology, identification, and management.
This factsheet offers information on the biology and management of the emerald ash borer, an invasive pest of ash trees in North Carolina.
This factsheet provides brief descriptions of common disease pests of maple (Acer spp.) in North Carolina. Pest descriptions are brief but provide links for readers to learn more.
This factsheet provides information about beech bark disease, including the lifecycle, symptoms, and management strategies.
This fact sheet compiles common arthropod pests of dogwood trees (Cornaceae) in North Carolina. It contains brief descriptions with links to reputable and more thorough fact sheets.
This factsheet offers information on the biology and management of the Asian longhorned beetle, an invasive forest pest in the United States.
This factsheet describes the disease cycle, symptoms, and management of Dutch Elm Disease.
This factsheet describes several diseases that impact the health of ash trees.
This factsheet provides descriptions of several pests of Ash trees in North Carolina. It describes the characteristics of each insect and the damage they cause and offers potential mitigation strategies.
This factsheet describes biological control methods for protecting trees from damage caused by non-native emerald ash borers, including the release of parasitoid wasps that attack emerald ash borer eggs or larvae.
This fact sheets details the identification and management of a common group of fungal diseases, anthracnose.
This factsheet covers information related to firewood as a threat in moving invasive pests to new areas.
This fact sheet covers the identification, biology, impacts, and management of the twolined chestnut borer.
This Forest*A*Syst publication was written as a personal, confidential learning tool to help achieve your goals for forest ownership. First, answer the self-assessment questions to determine where you interests lie, and then continue reading to learn practical ways of pursuing these interests. The text focuses on water quality and aesthetic improvements that originate from reasoned forest management To gather more information, review the sources of information in the Getting Help section and tap these sources to learn even more. Also, don't forget to follow the directions for developing a management plan tailored to your dreams for your forest.
This fact sheet describes the biology, identification and management of gouty vein gall midge.