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Soybean Seedling Diseases

By: Ashley Joyce, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Soybean seedling disease is caused by several different pathogens. While cultural management is the same across seedling diseases, chemical management may differ depending on prevalent pathogen and environmental conditions.

Soybean Cyst Nematode

By: Adrienne Gorny, LeAnn Lux Soybean Disease Information

Soybean cyst nematode limits yields in every major soybean production region worldwide. This disease note describes SCN in North Carolina and its management.

Root-Knot Nematode of Cotton

By: Daisy Ahumada, Adrienne Gorny Cotton Disease Information

Cotton root-knot nematodes are capable of causing significant losses to cotton production. In addition to direct damage, root-knot nematodes allow for secondary pathogens to impact yields. This publication describes root-knot nematodes and their management in cotton.

Lesion Nematode in Corn

By: Adrienne Gorny, Kelci Cox Corn Disease Information

Lesion nematodes are plant-parasitic roundworms that may cause damage in corn. This factsheet covers their signs and symptoms as well as management of the disease.

Tobacco Ringspot Virus of Soybean

By: Ashley Joyce, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Tobacco ringspot virus is a disease of soybean in North Carolina. This factsheet offers information on the disease's symptoms and management.

Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome

By: Sam Cude, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) first appeared in Arkansas in 1971 and has since spread to almost every soybean producing state. SDS rarely affects plants in North Carolina, but losses are seen when infections are concurrent with soybean cyst nematode infections or cool, wet environmental conditions. This factsheet describes SDS and its management in North Carolina.

Root Knot Nematode of Soybean

By: Ashley Joyce, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Root knot nematodes can cause significant damages to soybean fields in North Carolina. This factsheet describes the different species of root knot nematodes and their management in soybean production.

Lesion Nematode in Potato

By: Adrienne Gorny, Ari Grode Vegetable Pathology Factsheets

Lesion nematode damage in white or Irish potato is caused by plant-parasitic roundworms. This publication discusses the signs, symptoms, and management of the disease.

Southern root-knot nematode in corn

By: Adrienne Gorny, Jennifer Duong Corn Disease Information

This factsheet describes and provides management recommendations for the Southern root-knot nematode,Meloidogyne incognita, a widespread pest of corn in North Carolina.

Soybean Mosaic Virus

By: Raymond Garcia Rodriguez, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) is one of the most prevalent and destructive viral pathogens of soybean worldwide. This soybean disease factsheet discusses the range, symptoms, disease cycle, and management of the virus in soybean production in North Carolina.

Fusarium Wilt of Soybean

By: Raymond Garcia Rodriguez, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Fusarium wilt can be an important disease in soybean when it appears. Although not a yearly problem for most of North Carolina producers, it can be locally damaging. The signs and management of the disease are described in this factsheet.

Stubby-Root Nematode in Corn

By: Adrienne Gorny, Kelci Cox Corn Disease Information

Stubby-root nematodes are soilborne, plant-parasitic roundworms that may cause significant damage in corn. This publication covers the symptoms and disease management of the pathogen.

Asian Soybean Rust

By: Yara Rosado Rivera, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Although uncommonly observed in North Carolina, soybean rust can be a yield limiting disease for soybeans. Proper identification is important to developing a management strategy.

Cercospora Leaf Blight of Soybean

By: Sarah Cochran, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Cercospora blight is a common foliar disease of soybeans in North Carolina. Early symptoms may mimic several other common soybean problems, and accurate diagnosis is important for selecting management practices.

Anthracnose of Soybean

By: Jean Beacorn, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This soybean disease factsheet covers anthracnose, a fungal disease affecting maturing soybean stems and pods in North Carolina.

Soybean Powdery Mildew

By: Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Powdery mildew is a common foliar disease caused by a fungus. The causal agent of soybean powdery mildew is host limited to beans. This factsheet describes soybean powdery mildew and its management in soybeans.

Phytopthora Root and Stem Rot of Soybean

By: Yara Rosado Rivera, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Phytophthora root and stem rot is a common pathogen in North Carolina due to our frequent wet weather. This factsheet describes the symptoms and management of the disease in soybean production.

Sting Nematode of Soybean

By: Adrienne Gorny, Jennifer Duong, Yara Rosado Rivera, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This soybean diseases factsheet discusses sting nematodes, a minor pest of soybean in North Carolina.

Peanut Disease Management

By: LeAnn Lux, Barbara Shew

This publication, chapter 6 of the 2025 Peanut Information handbook, provides details on how to use integrated methods to manage major peanut diseases.

Soybean Stem Canker

By: LeAnn Lux Soybean Disease Information

This soybean disease factsheet describes southern stem canker, a disease of soybeans in North Carolina.

Aerial Web Blight

By: Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This soybean disease factsheet covers aerial web blight, a generally minor disease of soybean in North Carolina.

Brown Spot of Soybean

By: Andrew Ernst, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Brown spot is a common pathogen in soybeans in North Carolina. Symptoms from brown spot may be confused with other leaf spot pathogens, and accurate diagnosis is important for management decisions.

Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus

By: Sarah Cochran, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This factsheet offers information on the signs, disease cycle, and management of soybean vein necrosis virus (SVNV), an occasional foliar problem in soybean in North Carolina.

Lance Nematode of Soybean

By: Yara Rosado Rivera, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Lance nematode is not a common problem of soybeans, but can cause local damages in fields where it is found. This factsheet covers the symptoms and management of lance nematodes in North Carolina.

Southern Blight of Soybean

By: Yara Rosado Rivera, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This factsheet examines the symptoms and management of Southern blight in soybean production in North Carolina.

Frogeye Leaf Spot of Soybean

By: Abdullah Nahiyan, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Frogeye leaf spot (FLS) of soybean is a common foliar disease in North Carolina with losses reported annually. This soybean diseases factsheet offers information on the signs, symptoms, and management of FLS.

Target Spot of Soybean

By: Andrew Ernst, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This factsheet offers information on target spot in soybean production in North Carolina.

Bean Pod Mottle Virus

By: Raymond Garcia Rodriguez, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

Virus diseases like bean pod mottle virus can significantly impact soybean yields when disease pressure is high. This factsheet describes the identification and management of bean pod mottle virus.

Soybean Charcoal Rot

By: Raymond Garcia Rodriguez, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This soybean diseases factsheet examines charcoal rot in North Carolina soybean production.

Bacterial Blight of Soybean

By: Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This factsheet discusses bacterial blight of soybean in North Carolina.

Stubby Root Nematode of Soybean

By: Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This factsheet summarizes the symptoms and management of stubby root nematodes in soybean in North Carolina.

Red Crown Rot of Soybean

By: Ashley Joyce, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This factsheet covers the signs, symptoms, and management of red crown rot, a problem in soybean production in North Carolina.

Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus of Soybean

By: Ashley Joyce, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This soybean disease information factsheet describes the symptoms and disease cycle of the cowpea chlorotic mottle virus, a disease of soybean and cowpea in North Carolina.

Seed Decay and Pod Blight

By: Ashley Joyce, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

This soybean disease factsheet discusses various fungi that cause seed decay and pod blight of soybean in North Carolina.

Reniform Nematode of Soybean

By: Yara Rosado Rivera, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

The reniform nematode is not a common nematode pressure for soybean growers in North Carolina, but is limited to several southern counties of the state. This factsheet will help growers identify and management the nematodes in soybean production in North Carolina.

White Mold of Soybean

By: Raymond Garcia Rodriguez, Lindsey Thiessen Soybean Disease Information

The symptoms and management of white mold, an important cause of yield loss in soybean in North Carolina, are covered in this soybean disease factsheet.