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Browse by Author: Robert Bardon
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Identification of Common Trees of North Carolina

By: Robert Bardon, Will Braun, Renee Strnad

This publication provides the basic concepts of tree identification using observation and a dichotomous key. It features an illustrated guide to distinguishing leaf characteristics, instructions for using a dichotomous key, and illustrated descriptions of 21 common trees in North Carolina.

Understanding Forestry Terms: A Glossary for Private Landowners

By: Mark Megalos, James Kea, Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

This publication lists and defines more than 150 forest resource terms to help you in conversing with others about forestry matters and in making informed decisions about your forestland.

Timber Sales: A Planning Guide for Landowners

By: Robert Bardon

This publication offers tips on marketing and selling, timber terminology, examples of timber sale agreements and advice on seeking professional help from a consulting forester. By using this guide, landowners can make their next (or first) timber sale a pleasant and profitable experience.

Conversion Factors for Bioenergy

By: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Dennis Hazel, Robert Bardon NC Woody Biomass

This is a quick-reference list of conversion factors used by the Bioenergy Feedstock Development Programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It was compiled from a wide range of sources, and is designed to be concise and convenient rather than all-inclusive.

Zoning and Land Use Regulation of Forestry

By: Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

This publication discusses how zoning and land use regulations impact the practice of forestry in North Carolina. The publication also explains planning jurisdictions, components of a zoning ordinance, and where to go for more information.

Land Ownership, Liability, and the Law in North Carolina

By: Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

This publication explains the major laws impacting a landowner’s liability in North Carolina and the responsibilities landowners have for invited and uninvited users of their property.

2023 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: Robert Bardon

The economic impact timber production has on North Carolina’s economy is significant. Income Estimates by County for Timber Harvested in North Carolina is compiled from the following sources, US Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis Data, Timber Products Output Survey, and Timber Mart-South. These estimates provide information on both stumpage value and delivered value for timber harvested and delivered to mills.

North Carolina's Forestry Present-Use Valuation (PUV) Property Tax Program

By: Rick Hamilton, Mark Megalos, Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

Qualified North Carolina owners of soundly managed commercial forestland have been eligible for property tax reductions since 1974 through the state’s forestry present-use property tax program. To be eligible for Forestry Present Use Valuation, qualified forestland must be actively engaged in the commercial growing of trees under sound management (NC General Statues 105 277.2- 277.7). Commercial growing of trees will entail a harvest as a thinning, partial, or complete harvest of trees (as prescribed in the forest management plan filed with the county tax office). This publication provides a brief overview of the complicated law.

Estimating the Volume of a Standing Tree Using a Scale (Biltmore) Stick

By: Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

This publication explains how to determine the volume of a tree using a scale (Biltmore) stick and provides a template for making a scale stick.

Protecting and Retaining Trees: A Guide for Municipalities and Counties in North Carolina

By: Robert Bardon, Brandon King

Learn how communities across North Carolina can protect and retain trees. This guide is based on a statewide review of municipal and county land use and tree protection regulations. The authors provide examples of ordinances in North Carolina that regulate tree removal, maintenance and replacement. They also discuss enforcement, incentives and alternatives and common tree conservation issues that NC communities face.

Construction and Tree Protection

By: Robert Bardon, Kevin Miller, Mark Megalos, Amy Graul

This publication describes tree protection strategies that builders and developers can use before, during and after construction to conserve healthy trees. Communication action to encourage tree protection and reduce the risk of injuring or losing valuable trees is highlighted.

Using a Compass and Pacing

By: Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

A compass and pacing can be useful in many different woodlot activities. A compass can indicate the direction you are headed relative to magnetic north, and pacing is a simple means of measuring linear distance by walking. This publication will help you use a compass to determine direction and determine your pace.

North Carolina's Forest and Forest Products Industry by the Numbers

By: Eric McConnell, James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Clay Altizer, Barry New

This publication discusses the contributions that North Carolina’s forests and forest products industry provide to the state’s economy and presents key figures and statistics.

Who Is Responsible for the Trees? A Citizen Guide to Trees in the Community

By: Robert Bardon, Brandon King

This publication provides guidance on who is responsible for the maintenance and care of public and private trees in a community.

Predicting the Start of the Pine Pollen Season

By: Robert Bardon

This factsheet describes the pollen season in North Carolina and gives a formula to determine when the pine pollen season will begin and when the trees will be producing the maximum amount of pollen.

Cutting at Financial Maturity: Maximizing the Economic Return of Your Woodland

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

Woodland owners harvest trees for financial and personal reasons. Deciding when is the optimal time to harvest is difficult for most woodland owners. However, this important decision strongly dictates future condition, growth and composition of the next stand of trees and, ultimately, your bottom line. Some basic economic principles can help you make harvesting and other key woodland management decisions. Using loblolly pine in North Carolina as an example, this publication demonstrates the optimal time to harvest based on financial maturity.

Practicing Forestry Under Local Regulations

By: Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

This publication examines tree protection regulations, zoning and other ordinances. Guidance is offered on how to practice forestry under existing regulations and on how involvement in the community can retain forestry as a viable land use.

Crop Tree Management in North Carolina

By: Robert Bardon, William Gardner Woodland Owner Notes

This publication introduces readers to the seven steps involved in implementing crop tree management. The publication is tailored to Southeast species, objectives, and forest conditions and explains how the approach might be applied to trees for wildlife, water quality, timber and aesthetics.

Developing Successful Tree Ordinances

By: Robert Bardon, Mark Megalos, Amy Graul, Kevin Miller

This publication discusses how communities use tree ordinances as tools to protect trees, preserve green space and promote healthy, managed urban forests. To protect trees and prevent their loss in the urban environment, communities need to understand tree ordinances, their limitations and their proper implementation.

Historic North Carolina Timber Stumpage Prices, 1976-2023

By: Robert Bardon

Historic price data for standing timber from 1976-2023 for North Carolina. Data are reported for four timber product categories (pine sawtimber and pulpwood, and mixed hardwood sawtimber and pulpwood) for Eastern North Carolina, Western North Carolina, the State of North Carolina, and the Southeast United States.

Historic North Carolina Delivered Timber Prices, 1988-2023

By: Robert Bardon

Historic price data for delivered timber, prices paid upon delivery to the mill, from 1988-2023 for North Carolina. Data are reported for four timber product categories (pine sawtimber and pulpwood, and mixed hardwood sawtimber and pulpwood) for Eastern North Carolina, Western North Carolina, the State of North Carolina, and the Southeast United States.

Fire-Resistant Landscaping in North Carolina

By: Laurel Kays, Jennifer Fawcett, Justin Query, Hannah Thompson-Welch, Robert Bardon

If you live in a home or community that may be vulnerable to wildfires, this publication will teach you how to create and maintain a fire-resistant landscape and reduce your risk of damage from a wildfire while achieving other landscape objectives.

Financial Incentives for Forest Management

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Mark Megalos, Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

This publication provides an introduction to the various financial incentives available to woodlot owners. Both federal and state governments offer financial incentive programs; several of these programs provide cost-sharing payments that reimburse landowners for timber management activities. Other programs provide tax incentives, tax credits and deductions for reforestation expenses.

2022 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: Robert Bardon

The economic impact timber production has on North Carolina’s economy is significant. Income Estimates by County for Timber Harvesting in North Carolina is compiled from the following sources, US Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis Data, Timber Products Output Survey, and Timber Mart-South. These estimates provide information on both stumpage value and delivered value for timber harvested and delivered to mills.

Selling Your Timber? Don't Make an Uninformed Decision!

By: Robert Bardon

This publication explains the risks involved in selling timber without knowledge of current market conditions and provides guidelines for selling your timber with the assistance of a registered forester.

Decision Making Guidelines for Storm-Damaged Trees

By: Robert Bardon, Rick Hamilton

When storms damage woodlands and shade trees, woodland owners and homeowners have many questions about what to do with their damaged trees. This factsheet outlines guidelines for quick decision making and priority setting.

Woodscaping Your Woodlands

By: Robert Bardon

Improving small woodlands is a step-by-step process. This publication will help wooodland owners become familiar with these steps, with the concepts of woodscaping and with ways to integrate concerns for wildlife, beauty and resource management in a manner that is compatible with current land-use activities.

Utilization of Storm-Damaged Timber

By: Rick Hamilton, Robert Bardon

Following a storm timber owners are often interested in salvaging their timber, but the utilization of storm-damaged timber depends on physical damage to trees and the length of time between damage and harvest. This publication provides guidelines for the utilization of storm-damaged timber.

First...See a Forester

By: Robert Bardon

This publication for landowners discusses the importance of consulting a professional forester before selling timber and describes the credentials held by reputable foresters.

Management Plans: A Planning Guide for Landowners

By: Robert Bardon

This publication provides an overview of woodlands management and a step-by-step process landowners can use to begin developing a management plan for their woodlands. It includes worksheets for defining goals and objectives, prioritizing land uses, identifying needs, and planning management activities.

Recreational Forest Trails: Plan for Success

By: Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

This publication explores proven ways to plan, construct and interpret various types of recreational forest trails.

Hoke County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hoke County.

Residual Woody Biomass Inventory Techniques: A Comparative Analysis of Prism Sweep and Line Intersect Sampling Methods

By: Nathaniel Osborne, Dennis Hazel, Mark Megalos, Robert Bardon

Prism sweep and line intercept methods were compared for accuracy and efficiency to measure woody biomass residues on a recently harvested site in Eastern North Carolina. A 100% tally control on 0.1 acre plots was used to compare volume estimates of tested methods. Estimates of residual volume were accurate and not significantly different. Prism sweeps required an average of three minutes per plot, whereas line intersect samples averaged seventeen minutes per plot. Prism sweeps were accurate and five times more efficient than line intersect samples.

Rockingham County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rockingham County.

2017 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon

2017 income estimates ranked by county for standing timber and timber harvest and delivered to the mill. Includes estimate of timberland by county.

FloodWise Flood Mitigation and Reduction Practices Budget Tools

By: Meredith Hovis, Fred Cubbage, Robert Bardon

This publication provides a set of budget tools for the ten most promising nature-based solutions for flood reduction in Eastern North Carolina, which include common farm practices of no-till, cover crops, and tree planting to more complex NBS of wetland creation, water farming, and low-rise earthen berms and retention basins with flashboard risers. These budget tools are the result of research termed “FloodWise” to describe the water quality, flood mitigation, farm benefits, and community engagement and governance connections.

Communities Thrive on Trees

By: Robert Bardon, Kevin Miller, Mark Megalos

This brochure describes the economic, environmental and health benefits that urban trees provide to a community. It provides a list of organizations to contact for more information about urban forestry.

Caswell County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Caswell County.

Beaufort County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Beaufort County.

McDowell County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to McDowell County.

Pasquotank County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pasquotank County.

Davie County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Davie County.

Franklin County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Franklin County.

Surry County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Surry County.

Watauga County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Watauga County.

Watauga County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Watauga County.

Protecting Working Forests With Voluntary Agricultural Districts Programs

By: Brandon King, Robert Bardon Woodland Owner Notes

This publication outlines the requirements and benefits of voluntary agricultural district programs in North Carolina and explains how forest landowners can join these programs.

Franklin County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Franklin County.

2016 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon

2016 income estimates ranked by county for standing timber and timber harvest and delivered to the mill. Includes estimate of timberland by county.

Cleveland County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cleveland County.

Robeson County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Robeson County.

Caswell County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Caswell County.

Clay County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Clay County.

Dare County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Dare County.

Johnston County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Johnston County.

The Educational Needs of North Carolina’s Forest Landowners

By: Robert Bardon, Kristin Peters, Rajan Parajuli, Jay Jayaratne

This publication reports the results of an educational needs assessment of North Carolina’s non-industrial private forest owners conducted by NC State Extension Forestry in 2020.

Methodology for Determining Forest Sector Contributions to North Carolina's Economy

By: Eric McConnell, James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Clayton Altizer, Barry New Forestry Impacts

This factsheet describes in greater detail the methodology used to estimate the economic contributions of North Carolina’s forest products industry. It is a companion piece to the bulletin North Carolina’s Forests and Forest Products Industry By the Numbers, where a variety of figures and statistics are provided on the management and conversion of standing timber into primary and secondary wood and fiber products.

Jones County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Jones County.

2021 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: Robert Bardon

List of 2021 income by county of North Carolina timber harvested and delivered to mills. Data includes acres and percentage of timberland, stumpage value, delivered value and rank within the state.

Harnett County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Harnett County.

Henderson County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Henderson County.

Scotland County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Scotland County.

Buncombe County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Buncombe County.

Burke County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Burke County.

Durham County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Durham County.

Macon County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Macon County.

Montgomery County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Montgomery County.

Onslow County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Onslow County.

Randolph County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Randolph County.

Scotland County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Scotland County.

Economic Contribution of the Forest Sector by North Carolina Congressional District

By: Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon

This publication breaks down how the forest sector contributed to the North Carolina economy in 2022, including employment, labor income, and more for North Carolina’s 14 congressional districts

Alexander County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alexander County.

Ashe County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Ashe County.

Avery County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Avery County.

Chatham County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Chatham County.

Edgecombe County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Edgecombe County.

Greene County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Greene County.

Guilford County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Guilford County.

Pamlico County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pamlico County.

Person County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Person County.

Warren County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Warren County.

Chatham County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Chatham County.

A Biomass and Bioenergy Glossary for Forest Landowners

By: Robert Bardon NC Woody Biomass

This publication defines unique biomass and bioenergy terms as they relate to forestry and forest management. These definitions will help you understand commonly used words and phrases that arise in biomass and bioenergy literature and discussions.

How to Rapidly Inventory Scattered and Piled Forest Harvest Residue

By: Nathaniel Osborne, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel

Forest harvest residue (FHR) is an important environmental component, but how do you measure it? The recent surge and interest in renewable energy in the U.S., including wood energy, has brought growing concern about the impact of biomass removal and its impact on biodiversity, water quality and long-term site productivity. This document will describe how to rapidly inventory scattered and piled FHR.

Bladen County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Bladen County.

Columbus County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Columbus County.

Johnston County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Johnston County.

Transylvania County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Transylvania County.

Union County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Union County.

A Guide to Managing Small Woodlots

By: Robert Bardon, Priscilla Morris

In North Carolina there is over 11 million acres of woodlands owned by 469,000 family forest landowners. These owners own their land for many reasons: family legacy, recreation, aesthetics, wildlife, and investment. The majority of these owners, over 55 percent, though own less then 10 acres of woodlands and are motivated mostly by noneconomic reasons to keep and nurture these woodlots. Many of these owners are unaware of the support and assistance available to them from state and federal agencies and programs that are designed to support forestry because they do not consider themselves forest owners or are unaware of such resources. If you are one of these owners of small woodlots this publication will provide you information on things you should consider in the management and care of your woodlot and who maybe able to provide you further information and assistance.

Washington County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Washington County.

Gaston County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Gaston County.

Lenoir County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lenoir County.

Avery County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Avery County.

Camden County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Camden County.

Craven County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Craven County.

Davie County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Davie County.

Forsyth County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Forsyth County.

Halifax County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Halifax County.

Hertford County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hertford County.

Hyde County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hyde County.

Lee County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lee County.

Moore County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Moore County.

Sampson County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Sampson County.

Stanly County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Stanly County.

Stokes County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Stokes County.

Transylvania County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Transylvania County.

Union County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Union County.

Alleghany County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alleghany County.

Currituck County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Currituck County.

Gaston County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Gaston County.

Haywood County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Haywood County.

Moore County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Moore County.

Northampton County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Northampton County.

Orange County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Orange County.

Macon County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Macon County.

Caldwell County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Caldwell County.

Alexander County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alexander County.

Cleveland County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cleveland County.

Hyde County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hyde County.

Sampson County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Sampson County.

Anson County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Anson County.

Brunswick County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Brunswick County.

Buncombe County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Buncombe County.

Burke County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Burke County.

Cumberland County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cumberland County.

Greene County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Greene County.

Halifax County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Halifax County.

Hoke County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hoke County.

Hyde County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hyde County.

Jackson County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Jackson County.

Mecklenburg County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Mecklenburg County.

Pasquotank County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pasquotank County.

Randolph County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Randolph County.

Rutherford County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rutherford County.

Polk County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Polk County.

Chatham County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Chatham County.

Craven County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Craven County.

Alleghany County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alleghany County.

Ashe County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Ashe County.

Bertie County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Bertie County.

Carteret County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Carteret County.

Clay County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Clay County.

Dare County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Dare County.

Greene County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Greene County.

Johnston County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Johnston County.

Lincoln County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lincoln County.

Mecklenburg County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Mecklenburg County.

Mitchell County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Mitchell County.

Pamlico County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pamlico County.

Pitt County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pitt County.

Polk County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Polk County.

Rowan County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rowan County.

Rutherford County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rutherford County.

Wake County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wake County.

Washington County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Washington County.

Alamance County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alamance County.

Chowan County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Chowan County.

Cumberland County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cumberland County.

Columbus County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Columbus County.

Durham County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Durham County.

Gates County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Gates County.

Graham County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Graham County.

Halifax County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Halifax County.

Harnett County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Harnett County.

Hertford County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hertford County.

Jones County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Kathryn Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Jones County.

Lenoir County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lenoir County.

McDowell County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to McDowell County.

Mecklenburg County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Mecklenburg County.

New Hanover Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to New Hanover County.

Pitt County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoiy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pitt County.

Richmond County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Richmond County.

Rutherford County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rutherford County.

Scotland County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Scotland County.

Union County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Union County.

2019 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon

2019 income estimates ranked by county for standing timber and timber harvest and delivered to the mill. Includes estimate of timberland by county.

Avery County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Avery County.

Cleveland County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cleveland County.

Wake County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wake County.

Lee County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lee County.

Stanly County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Stanly County.

Beaufort County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Beaufort County.

Bertie County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Bertie County.

Cabarrus County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cabarrus County.

Catawba County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Catawba County.

Gates County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Gates County.

Hertford County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Herford County.

Lee County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lee County.

Onslow County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Onslow County.

Richmond County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Richmond County.

Rutherford County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rutherford County.

Surry County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Surry County.

Wayne County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wayne County.

Wilkes County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wilkes County.

2013 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon

This factsheet provides an estimate of income derived form standing timber and upon delivery to the mill by county for all 100 counties in North Carolina. It also provides an estimate of timberland in each county.

2015 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon

2015 income estimates ranked by county for standing timber and timber harvest and delivered to the mill. Includes estimate of timberland by county.

Alamance County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alamance County.

Gates County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Gates County.

Wayne County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wayne County.

Union County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Union County.

Tyrrell County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Tyrrell County.

Madison County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Madison County.

Nash County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Nash County.

New Hanover County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to New Hanover County.

Alamance County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alamance County.

Beaufort County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Beaufort County.

Catawba County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Catawba County.

Cherokee County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cherokee County.

Cumberland County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cumberland County.

Duplin County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Duplin County.

Franklin County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Franklin County.

Guilford County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Guilford County.

Harnett County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Harnett County.

Henderson County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Henderson County.

Lenoir County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lenoir County.

Martin County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Martin County.

Northampton County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Northampton County.

Orange County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Orange County.

Perquimans County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Perquimans County.

Richmond County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Richmond County.

Surry County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Surry County.

Swain County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Swain County.

Tyrrell County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Tyrrell County.

Warren County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Warren County.

Watauga County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Watauga County.

Wilkes County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wilkes County.

Yancey County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Yancey County.

Brunswick County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Brunswick County.

Burke County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Burke County.

Carteret County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Carteret County.

Catawba County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olaknule Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Catawba County.

Cleveland County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cleveland County.

Craven County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Craven County.

Davidson County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Davidson County.

Granville County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Granville County.

Iredell County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Iredell County.

Lincoln County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lincoln County.

Martin County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Martin County.

Mitchell County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Mitchell County.

Montgomery County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Montgomery County.

Pasquotank County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pasquotank County.

Polk County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Polk County.

Robeson County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Robeson County.

Rowan County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rowan County.

Transylvania County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Transylvania County.

Vance County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Vance County.

Wayne County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wayne County.

Wilson County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wilson County.

Nash County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Nash County.

Alexander County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alexander County.

Bertie County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Bertie County.

Caldwell County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Caldwell County.

Caswell County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Caswell County.

Pender County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pender County.

Madison County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Madison County.

Cabarrus County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cabarrus County.

Onslow County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Onslow County.

Robeson County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Robeson County.

Chatham County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Chatham County.

Cherokee County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cherokee County.

Clay County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Clay County.

Forsyth County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina. offers information specific to Forsyth County.

Granville County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Granville County.

Guilford County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Guilford County.

Jones County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Jones County.

Pender County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pender County.

Perquimans County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers informations specific to Perquimans County.

Person County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Person County.

Rowan County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rowan County.

Sampson County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Sampson County.

Tyrrell County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Tyrrell County

Watauga County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Watauga County.

Wilson County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wilson County.

Establishing a Partnership for Sentinel Landscapes: The North Carolina Experience A Dissemination Guide for Other States

By: John Diaz, Mary Lou Addor, Susan Moore, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel

This publication is a guide for states where military installations, agriculture, other compatible economic development, and natural resources drive the economy. This guide introduces the NCSLP and offers recommendations for developing and establishing such a partnership based on the lessons learned in North Carolina.

Alexander County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alexander County.

Yadkin County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Yadkin County.

Warren County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Warren County.

Swain County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Swain County.

Surry County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Surry County.

Scotland County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Scotland County.

Stokes County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Stokes County.

Randolph County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Randolph County.

Ashe County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Ashe County.

Avery County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Avery County.

Brunswick County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Brunswick County.

Carteret County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Carteret County.

Cherokee County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cherokee County.

Columbus County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Columbus County.

Duplin County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Duplin County.

Graham County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Graham County.

Hyde County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hyde County.

Lee County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lee County.

Macon County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Macon County.

McDowell County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Mcdowell County.

Mecklenburg County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Mecklenburg County.

Mitchell County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Mitchell County.

Northampton County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Northampton County.

Orange County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Orange County.

Pasquotank County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pasquotank County.

Pender County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pender County.

Pitt County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pitt County.

Alexander County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alexander County.

Anson County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Anson County.

Brunswick County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Brunswick County.

Cabarrus County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cabarrus County.

Caldwell County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Caldwell County.

Chatham County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Chatham County.

Chowan County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Chowan County.

Columbus County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Columbus County.

Edgecombe County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Edgecombe County.

Gaston County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Gaston County.

Graham County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Graham County.

Iredell County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Iredell County.

Jones County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Jones County.

New Hanover County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to New Hanover County.

Pender County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pender County.

Person County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Person County.

Vance County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Vance County.

Wayne County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wayne County.

Wilson County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wilson County.

Anson County Forestry Impact 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Anson County.

Beaufort County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Beaufort County.

Cabarrus County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cabarrus County.

Caldwell County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Caldwell County.

Duplin County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Duplin County.

Forsyth County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Forsyth County.

Henderson County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Henderson County.

Lee County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lee County.

Madison County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Madison County.

Randolph County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Randolph County.

Sampson County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Sampson County.

Stanly County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Stanly County.

Stokes County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Stokes County.

Swain County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Swain County.

Tyrrell County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Tyrrell County.

Wake County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wake County.

Washington County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Washington County.

Wilkes County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wilkes County.

Yancey County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Yancey County.

Educational Needs Assessment of North Carolina Non Industrial Private Forest Landowners: Preliminary Results

By: Kristin Peters, Robert Bardon, Rajan Parajuli

NC State Extension is responsible for providing educational opportunities to over 525,000 non industrial private forest (NIPF) landowners who own 65% of North Carolina’s valuable forest resource. For these landowners to be able to make informed decisions concerning the management of their forest land NC State Extension must be able to provide educational opportunities based on the landowner’s educational needs. To determine these educational needs, NC State Extension Forestry conducted a state-wide survey of a sample of 3000 NC NIPF landowners across 15 of the 100 North Carolina counties. The purpose of the needs assessment was to collect the necessary data needed to determine program priorities and preferred delivery methods of the landowners. The information collected through this survey, which is summarized below, will be used in the development of educational programs and approaches that meet the educational needs of NIPF landowners in North Carolina.

2020 Income of North Carolina Timber Harvested and Delivered to Mills

By: Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon

List of 2020 income by county of North Carolina timber harvested and delivered to mills. Data includes acres and percentage of timberland, stumpage value, delivered value and rank within the state.

Ashe County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Ashe County.

Burke County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Burke County.

Cabarrus County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cabarrus County.

Scotland County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Scotland County.

Gaston County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Gaston County.

Orange County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Orange County.

Onslow County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Onslow County.

Moore County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Moore County.

Lenoir County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lenoir County.

Henderson County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Henderson County.

Hoke County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hoke County.

Alamance County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alamance County.

Transylvania County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Transylvania County.

Bladen County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Bladen County.

Beaufort County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Beaufort County.

Anson County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Anson County.

Gaston County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Gaston County.

Henderson County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Henderson County.

Iredell County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Iredell County.

Martin County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Martin County.

Pender County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pender County.

Randolph County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Randolph County.

Washington County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Washington County.

Wayne County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wayne County.

Alamance County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alamance County.

Alexander County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alexander County.

Avery County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Avery County.

Caldwell County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Caldwell County.

Camden County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Camden County.

Carteret County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Carteret County.

Davidson County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Davidson County.

Davie County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Davie County.

Duplin County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Duplin County

Durham County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Durham County.

Gaston County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Gaston County.

Lenoir County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lenoir County.

Lincoln County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lincoln County

McDowell County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to McDowell County.

Moore County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Moore County.

Nash County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Nash County.

Pamlico County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugarik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pamlico County.

Robeson County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Robeson County.

Rockingham County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rockingham County.

Stokes County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Stokes County.

Swain County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Swain County.

Vance County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Vance County.

Washington County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Warren County.

Sampson County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Sampson County.

Hertford County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hertford County.

Yancey County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Yancey County.

Anson County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Anson County.

Bertie County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Bertie County.

Catawba County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Catawba County.

Chowan County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Chowan County.

Clay County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Clay County.

Cumberland County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cumberland County.

Currituck County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Currituck County.

Davidson County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Davidson County.

Durham County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Durham County.

Forsyth County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Forsyth County.

Haywood County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Haywood County.

Henderson County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Henderson County.

Jones County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Jones County.

Lincoln County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lincoln County.

Moore County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Moore County.

Pamlico County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pamlico County.

Richmond County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Richmond County.

Robeson County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Robeson County.

Bladen County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Bladen County.

Caswell County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Caswell County.

Currituck County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Currituck County.

Davidson County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Davidson County.

Granville County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Granville County.

Haywood County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Haywood County.

Jackson County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Jackson County.

Madison County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Madison County.

Nash County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Nash County.

North Carolina Timber Income 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon

This publication offers county-level income data of North Carolina timber harvested and delivered to mills.

Bertie County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Bertie County.

Buncombe County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Buncombe County.

Camden County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Camden County.

Cherokee County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cherokee County.

Hyde County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hyde County.

Macon County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Macon County.

Onslow County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Onslow County.

Pender County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pender County.

Rockingham County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rockingham County.

Alleghany County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alleghany County.

Anson County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Anson County.

Catawba County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Catawba County.

Cherokee County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cherokee County.

Chowan County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Chowan County.

Clay County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Clay County.

Cumberland County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cumberland County.

Yadkin County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Yadkin County.

Watauga County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Watauga County.

Vance County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Vance County.

Transylvania County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Transylvania County.

Swain County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Swain County.

Davidson County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Davidson County.

Stokes County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Stokes County.

Davie County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Davie County.

Edgecombe County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Edgecombe County.

Richmond County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Richmond County.

Halifax County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Halifax County.

Mecklenburg County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Mecklenburg County.

Guilford County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Guilford County.

Harnett County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Harnett County.

Johnston County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Johnston County.

Greene County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Greene County.

Chatham County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Chatham County.

Bertie County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Bertie County.

Alleghany County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alleghany County.

Cumberland County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cumberland County.

Jones County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Jones County.

Hertford County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hertford County.

Macon County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Macon County.

Pitt County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pitt County.

Rockingham County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rockingham County.

Alleghany County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alleghany County.

Ashe County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Ashe County.

Chowan County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Chowan County.

Dare County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Dare County.

Edgecombe County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Edgecombe County.

Franklin County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Franklin County.

Graham County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Graham County.

Haywood County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Haywood County.

Iredell County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers specific information on Iredell County.

Madison County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Madison County.

Mitchell County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Mitchell County.

Montgomery County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Montgomery County.

New Hanover County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to New Hanover County.

Northampton County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Northampton County.

Orange County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific information on Orange County.

Pitt County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pitt County.

Polk County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Polk County.

Stanly County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Stanly County.

Yancey County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Yancey County.

Management Planning for Small Woodlots

By: Robert Bardon, Priscilla Morris

North Carolina has over 2 million acres of woodlands in holdings less than 20 acres in size (Brown, et. al. 2007). These small woodlots range from parcels in larger forested areas to patches of green infrastructure in our urban communities. The majority of these woodlands are owned by over 341,000 families (Brown, et. al. 2007) and go unmanaged. These woodlands provide environmental, economical, and social benefits to their owners and to the communities in which they are found. Through management planning woodland owners and communities can enhance these benefits by developing a road map to the future. Managing these woodlands to improve their benefits is a step-by-step process and this publication is a guide that will help lead those interested in developing a management plan through the process.

Wilkes County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wilkes County.

Caldwell County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Caldwell County.

Wake County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wake County.

Watauga County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Watauga County.

Vance County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Vance County.

Transylvania County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Transylvania County.

Cabarrus County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cabarrus County.

Camden County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Camden County.

Caswell County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Caswell County.

Cleveland County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cleveland County.

Dare County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Dare County.

Edgecombe County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Edgecombe County.

Granville County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Granville County.

Greene County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Greene County.

Harnett County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Harnett County.

Iredell County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Iredell County.

Johnston County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Johnston County.

Onslow County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Onslow County.

Perquimans County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Perquimans County.

Person County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Person County.

Rowan County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rowan County.

Gates County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Gates County.

Hoke County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hoke County.

Bladen County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Bladen County.

Jackson County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Jackson County.

Perquimans County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Perquimans County.

Yadkin County Forestry Impacts 2018

By: Rajan Parajuli, Stephanie Chizmar, Morgan Hoy, Olakunle Sodiya, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Yadkin County.

Alamance County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alamance County.

Bladen County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to

Buncombe County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Buncombe County.

Carteret County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Carteret County.

Columbus County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Columbus County.

Currituck County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Currituck County.

Yancey County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Yancey County.

Wilson County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wilson County.

Wayne County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wayne County.

Duplin County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Duplin County.

Sampson County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Sampson County.

Durham County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Durham County.

Rutherford County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rutherford County.

Rowan County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rowan County.

Rockingham County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rockingham County.

Robeson County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alamance County.

Franklin County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Franklin County.

Pitt County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pitt County.

Person County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alamance County.

Pasquotank County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pasquotank County.

Pamlico County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pamlico County.

New Hanover County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to New Hanover County.

McDowell County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alamance County.

Martin County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Martin County.

Lincoln County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lincoln County.

Hertford County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hertford County.

Jackson County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Jackson County.

Granville County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Granville County.

Burke County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Burke County.

Buncombe County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Buncombe County.

Brunswick County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Brunswick County.

Clay County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Clay County.

Edgecombe County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Edgecombe County.

Forsyth County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Forsyth County.

Greene County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Greene County.

Halifax County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Halifax County.

Harnett County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Harnett County.

Haywood County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Haywood County.

Hoke County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hoke County.

Jackson County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Jackson County.

Johnston County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Johnston County.

Mecklenburg County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Mecklenburg County.

Northampton County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Northampton County.

Pamlico County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pamlico County.

Perquimans County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Perquimans County.

Stokes County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Stokes County.

Swain County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Swain County.

Vance County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Vance County.

Union County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Union County.

Wake County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wake County.

Tyrrell County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Tyrrell County.

Warren County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Warren County.

Wilkes County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wilkes County.

Yadkin County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Yadkin County.

Cleveland County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cleveland County.

Craven County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Craven County.

Currituck County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Currituck County.

Martin County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Martin County.

Wake County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wake County.

Warren County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Warren County.

Yadkin County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Yadkin County.

Wilson County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wilson County.

Stanly County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Stanly County.

Bladen County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Bladen County.

Burke County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Burke County.

Davie County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Davie County.

Guilford County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Guilford County.

Halifax County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Halifax County.

Jackson County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Jackson County.

Yadkin County Forestry Impacts 2016

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Yadkin County.

Beaufort County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Beaufort County.

Brunswick County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Brunswick County.

Wilkes County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wilkes County.

Washington County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Washington County.

Tyrrell County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Tyrrell County.

Stanly County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Stanly County.

Forsyth County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Forsyth County.

Randolph County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Randolph County.

Perquimans County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Perquimans County.

Gates County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Gates County.

Graham County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Graham County.

Northampton County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Northampton County.

Nash County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Nash County.

Mitchell County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Mitchell County.

Iredell County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Iredell County.

Davie County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Davie County.

Cherokee County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Cherokee County.

Caswell County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Caswell County.

Carteret County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Carteret County.

Camden County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Camden County.

Ashe County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Ashe County.

Columbus County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Columbus County.

Dare County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Dare County.

Duplin County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Duplin County.

Franklin County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Franklin County.

Granville County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Granville County .

Lee County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lee County.

Lenoir County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lenoir County.

Lincoln County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Lincoln County.

Montgomery County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Montgomery County.

Nash County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Nash County.

Orange County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Orange County.

Pasquotank County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Pasquotank County.

Person County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Person County.

Rowan County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rowan County.

Rutherford County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rutherford County.

Scotland County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Scotland County.

Yancey County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Yancey County.

Wilson County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Wilson County.

Macon County Forestry Impacts 2012

By: James Jeuck, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel, Corey Sugerik Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Macon County.

Alleghany County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Alleghany County.

Buncombe County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Buncombe County.

Martin County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Martin County.

Rockingham County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Rockingham County.

Warren County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Warren County.

Dare County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Dare County.

Surry County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Surry County.

Montgomery County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Montgomery County.

Hyde County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hyde County.

McDowell County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to McDowell County.

Catawba County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Catawba County.

Avery County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Avery County.

Craven County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Craven County.

Currituck County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Currituck County.

Davidson County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Davidson County.

Durham County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Durham County.

Guilford County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Guilford County.

Madison County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Madison County.

Mitchell County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Mitchell County.

New Hanover County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to New Hanover County.

Richmond County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Richmond County.

Surry County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Surry County.

Hoke County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Hoke County.

Montgomery County Forestry Impacts 2014

By: Laurel Kays, Robert Bardon, Dennis Hazel Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Montgomery County.

Camden County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Camden County.

Craven County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Craven County.

Union County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Union County.

Polk County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Polk County.

Haywood County Forestry Impacts 2020

By: Stephanie Chizmar, Suzanne Teague, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Haywood County.

Chowan County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Chowan County.

Gates County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Gates County.

Graham County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Graham County.

Moore County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Moore County.

Polk County Forestry Impacts 2022

By: Shila Pokhrel, Rajan Parajuli, Robert Bardon Forestry Impacts

This factsheet, part of a series on forestry impacts in North Carolina, offers information specific to Polk County.